Some ufo sigtings from the passed 5 or so years, theres so much evidence for UFO’s now surely the world governments have got to admit to it soon. Honours: #9…
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A security camera in Cavalier, North Dakota caught this strange event that looks as though a car has been abducted by a UFO or something else? ©2014 / The De…
That caller should be killed, Why is he giving Intelligence to our enemies
through the phone?
Gear up for Battle:Earth 😀
hahaha you gay fuck piece of shit bitch ass nigga!
Oh please. How could these flying objects get into earths atmosphere or
even orbit without our satellites and radar catching them.
I know alot of you will tell me Iam stupid for saying but i just letting
out my opinion i heard this theory that the government encountered aliens
already and made a deal with them the deal was we let them abduct us for
experimenting in return for new technology!
about the phonecall from the Art Bell wiki-page: On September 11, 1997,
Bell took a call from a frantic man claiming to be an ex-Area 51 employee
who grew progressively more upset as the call wore on, culminating in the
show’s going temporarily off the air because of a satellite failure. On
April 28, 1998, a person claiming to be the caller called back confirming
that he was just acting.
you know if this is aliens or any other life force. we dnt know if there
going to attack us yea all the signting could be them planing to attack or
them trying to contact us like the blue white red and spinning lights. but
we dnt know till it happens. i belive in all the video part from the end
bit the recording that could be fake
Okay whats up with this? this video was uploaded on July 12, 2011 and were
in February 2011. Hmmmmmm
when i first saw this i say to my self WERE SCREWED
it couldnt have been a black hole. black holes cant be seen..
May the sun would be the same as the northern lights
They were Heavenly Beings, black holes, and many were either Ufo/government
vehicles. But whatever is happening it’s serious and it’s going on soon.
This is obviously real and will be taken down because the Government wants
us to kno nothing. Friends out there if you have a way of exposing all
this, before it is demolished, this needs to be known.
dude….. wise choice on useing requiem for a dream for at 5 XD epic music
for epic moment ^^
@syphjake nope im alive and well, just been working on my second channel 🙂
@Globe85 how can anyone be ready please tell
Swamp gas everyone, now go back to being sheep, so we 1% can rule you. I
heard mcdonalds has a new burger ans tim tebow is now a new york jets…
Did my last 2 lines distract you enouh? Ha. Too easy.
8:19-10:51 is fake
The end is near!!!!! We need guns big ones
check out project blue beam 😉
Anyone that says this is fake is a fucking douchebag Where the fuck is yo
mother fuckin PROOF!!!!!!
3:00 is a cloud
The thing in Norwegian Sky …Where is R J MacReady ?
Part 2
Strange UFO Sounds Heard In Aberdeen, Washington.
UFO OVNI — Strange UFO Sounds Heard In Aberdeen, Washington.
Notice how the number of UFO reportings and stories have gone up
SUBSTANTIALLY over the last few months? Ask yourself if you believe these
sightings are all real OR the media/people that run the governments are
trying to ‘soften’ us people up to the idea that aliens are really coming
here, so that in the future when they announce the world needs to shut down
borders and all come together to fight an alien force off, we all will
agree with it. Not saying aliens don’t exist somewhere out there, but when
these people that control the media use aliens to control us, that’s a
whole other thing right there. Be worried first about what is going on here
on Earth and your freedoms, THEN worry about ‘out there.’
Leaked Apollo 20 UFO Video. Why We Never Went Back. (Secret Apollo Mission)
UFO OVNI — Leaked Apollo 20 UFO Video. Why We Never Went Back. (Secret
Apollo Mission)
UFO Caught During Live BBC News:
The Best UFO Footage Of 2014 (October)
Nephilim Alien Giant Caught On New Orleans Street Cam:
UFO OVNI — Nephilim Alien Giant Caught On New Orleans Street Cam.
real or not im still going to light up this blunt
This is eerie. But I’m wondering why its not getting viral. Is it fishy or
a something to do with conspiracy or secret?
I’m at «that» part of YouTube again…
best part is the vanishing sound it makes. Must be real
If there was a faulty security camera and it blinked why would just the car
disappear. In this day and age we have security cameras all over the place.
So now we can see things we never could before. We have enough with our own
Immigration illegal Aliens crossing the border by the thousands. Now we
have to deal with Aliens from Space!
Has any one reported their car and family member missing ?
a trailer of back to the future!
The Vulcan Science Academy has determined that time travel isn’t possible.
Didn’t look like the Delorean made it up to 88 mph.
thats just global warming
I blame Obama.
See everyone. The truth is out there…
The car was for sale on eBay and someone clicked on Buy It Now
…..seems legit
did he died?
Where the fuck is Al Gore