You are not allowed to visit this site: In this video is some fake unfortunately but «skinny bob» is real! reuploaded!
Video Rating: 3 / 5 In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this video is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior inte…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Come on, man. Stop scaring yourself by making fake videos. You’re so gay.
Can some one tell me what the hell 9:50 is?? It looks like a pair of pants
Yeah, if I saw an alien in my kitchen? window, that sucker would have a few
shotgun bullets through the head.
Iam 45 yrs old,since I heard about aliens,its been maybe about 40 yrs
ago,and they still look the same,
Same shape,no clothing,their movements, are slow,they look,distracted, on
the other side humankind, has evolutionated
Shape,moves, and everyday is more intelligent, ,, so how can aliens can
survive, ???
I once knew a mason, but he wasn’t a free mason, because he charged me over
$3,000 to have my fireplace and and a stonewall fixed.
… my little bro just said that the aliens are watching are evolution
because they are more advanced that us
HISTORY OF OUR SOLAR SYSTEM and WHY (the Most High is allowing for the
super soldier movement in United States and also the world together with
the alien invasion during this time) Yahua will be merging the dimension
hence the human/angel clash from here on out. (alien invasion still to
It’s very simple:
Want to see an alien ship? (Just watch the video I uploaded
yesterday MASSIVE UFO STARSHIPS NOW VISIBLE United States 8/17/2014.
Yehushua has revealed this ship was built by the Chinese, who are,
predominantly, the serpent seed race according to Yah.) [(It is they with
their own lips confess they descend from the DRAGON, which permeates their
culture. A cross is rarely found in their home. If a part human Chinese
turns to the Lord Yehushua, they are tortured and murdered. (Most Asian
races inhabit Islands, volcanoes, and other precarious low lying areas of
earth as they are fit for destruction. The Lord is now ruling, secretly,
over thee earth. It was Yehushua sank, is sinking the island of Japan. We
can be thankful he has been merciful — right hearted Japanese are then able
to flee before the island goes down. Where were all the people during the
tsunami? Well the truth is the aliens abducted them. The Draconian ate
them. The Lord has determined 3,000,000 people were taken by the aliens
last just last year.)]
Draconian provide a vast cornucopia of alien video goose chases
because the first thing a thief does when he has his hand caught in the
cookie jar is he points — to a distraction. Humans were born into an alien
matrix. Take a look at even the simplest of items you have laid out on your
desk before you — the humans body is the most efficient means of locomotion
in our atmosphere. Draconian can easily shape shift into a tree if they
want. These aliens, these angels are here.
The following provides you with an overall picture and from the ground up
and back again —
«Bring their thoughts back to me child, tell them My hand is over the world
and Lucifer is just a puppet to fulfill My plans.. I am not secondary to
him — I am the king of the world….» — Yaweh
Top down — beginning with the highest ranking aliens, the Draconian.
Lucifer, a Draconian angel, *is* thee alpha Draconian it is he alone sits
in the mighty pyramid eye with Yahua standing behind him now, ruling
secretly over thee earth, and with a gun to Luci’s back now:
Presently Luci is changing thee atmosphere of the earth so that the Annuk
can walk among us. When Luci steps foot here, the earth and solar system
which has a consciousness will rebel — with bad weather etc and eventually
the pole shift as the planet Rahab once again passes.
As mentioned Lucifer is changing thee atmosphere with chem-trails
back to how it was in Noah’s day as Draconian cannot tolerate a lot of sun.
( the planet was always cloudy in Noah’s day. Noah never saw sun, rain or
rainbows, in Genesis a fog used to come up and water the plants until the
passing of Rahab altered the weather and produced the high tide of the
flood and rain)
Lucifer is the one man controls the Illuminati eye on the pyramid. He will
wipe out the Illuminati cannon fodder props he has constructed which were
born to die, and then gravitate back to the constitution NWO in the guise
of heroism and promised riches shorty and of course also the 666 chip.
Luci is all about MONEY and POLITICS, creation ruling creation vs Yahua as
We still use fossil fuels and crude electric wiring for a reason. The
Dracs employ gasoline as a water catchment system basically (that is what
streets are for) for their underground bases as Luci’s forces will live in
them during the chip enforce to feast on humans. The burning of fossil
fuels suppresses orgone, and the ether in gasoline «separates a human from
his/her sacred identity» quote Draconian and this is to facilitate mind
control. (ether is an anesthetic) MIND CONTROL is *everything* with the
Dracs now. The streets also starve the water table in the vicinity of
dwellings, this is done so’s peeps cannot grow food effectively so they
rely instead on the gov.
The ether from the gasoline propagates electro magnetic waves the Dracs
and co. use to travel, grounding, portals manipulation and etc. This is
also why we forfeit wireless technology and the earth is draped in
telephone poles and wiring.
We use crude electric wires because they, thee aliens travel through,
via them, and the resulting toxic electric smog is an atmosphere they
require while being spiritually detrimental to their prey, the humans. They
are hitting humans below the belt now. Due to legal rights, the Most High
has now provided a weapon to combat them:
[FACT: The solar system was heaven once — angels lived on our planets
prior to man. Lucifer then rose to power on a planet called RAHAB and
invented MONEY and POLITICS on that planet. Psalms 89 10 explains how
«Planet X» got cast out «Thou has broken Rahab in pieces — you scattered
the sea of the great dragon» (The sea were angelic peoples who were
scattered into the abyss of space, constellations such as Orion are fake —
they are angelic planet sized star ships not stars)
This is why humans who enter those underground bases don’t have videos
showing thee extent of them — humans entering those bases become food for
thee aliens. «on your belly/APPETITE you will go, on dust/HUMANS you WILL
EAT said the creator to a Draconian named Lucifer in Genesis. When humans
feel creeped out in entering deep underground caverns it is for good reason
that is the Lords quiet voice speaking to them NO TRESPASSING.
Satan pound Eves face with his fists after having mated with her in the
garden to produce the division in the DNA seed with the birth of the first
reptilian Cain. He and his thug generals used to appear to Adam and Eve
when they were living in a cave outside the garden and used to beat them
and stab them with knives. That is what happened to them when they
sympathized with Lucifer in the garden.
Eve, the woman, was thoroughly deceived — the man was not deceived but
also he ate. Point is Luci was able to trounce even god — and he did it
with his magnetic charm and was even able to fool a perfect woman. Those
who have met him (from thee outside looking in) of late have described him
in one word — charming. Thee Annunaki are not going to need to employ charm
during the reign of Lucifer and the 666 chip when the creator will have
closed the door to thee ark of His protection and thee Annunaki walk
blatantly up and down the streets of thee earth among us enforcing the mark
of the government BEAST — watch THE CREATOR SPEAKS FOR 2013 on
criticalelixir channel u tube to learn more about this.
People who got the mark of the beast will be cutting their limbs off with a
dull pocket knife to escape when the realization of what that chip is
actually going to be about is suddenly driven home — removing limbs will
provide no relief at all.
Not everyone on the planet is a human now. some are Lucifer’s SOME REALLY
ARE BORN EVIL, THEY ARE NOT OF THE LORD. Not everyone at the supermarket is
a human.
In Noah’s day only 8 souls were preserved alive with human DNA — the rest
were ALIEN. Nephilem, hybrids, reptilian, demons and so on.
Some entire races on thee earth right now are NOT humans. They are
Lucifer’s, serpent seed. While they are born with black hearts, they CAN
and do turn to the Lord on very rare occasion if their DNA remains part
human and an example are the Asian races. They, with their own mouths are
the ones claim they are descendants of the dragon, the dragon predominates
their culture and rarely is Yehushua (Jesus) mentioned by them or a cross
found in their home. It is not too difficult to decipher which of thee
other races are serpent seed. (and yes the recent earthquake in Japan was
the Lords and Japan will be eventually sunk) Most serpent seed races
inhabit precarious low lying coastline areas of thee earth, which are fit
for destruction just as ancient Babylon was.
The creator warns: «Do not sympathize with the wicked one.» especially
considering HUMANS in our day — will, according to the creator, «become as
rare as fine gold.» In Noah’s day, only 8 souls were left HUMAN — the rest
were aliens it is a war of the seeds — the DNA. «Just as in the days of
Noah, so the presence of the son of man will be.» ….said Yehushua — which
is TODAY (with increasing frequency) Some are born evil, are demons or
Nephilem spirits placed in human bodies by Lucifer FROM BIRTH, or in other
cases a family member can become soul scalped and taken over and replaced,
they try to blend in but they are always nipping love in the bud as it
were, even if it is not blatantly obvious they are evil.
The Most High informs us thee Annunaki will walk thee earth to enforce
the chip shortly — presently these aliens, who are already here, among us
still maintain a lowest possible profile. Yehushua came down here to teach
you people who runs this place — A Draconian angel named Lucifer offered
him all the kingdoms of thee earth if he would bow to him, proving he owns
them all.
Even a father, brother, husband, wife, son, or sister could be one
of THEM. Posers: Placed here by Lucifer — the (partially human, currently)
systems tolerance of crime in jails speaks as testament to how effective
these wolves who on occasion flash carefully orchestrated sheep clothing
are at persisting with us here now currently — they being perpetually
forgiven by society. Discrimination is taboo in today’s society — sadly
thee aliens will exploit this loophole to infiltrate society which they can
only accomplish through legal rights as they are all about paperwork.
What were they thinking in Noah’s day?? Today just as in Noah’s day,
peeps are also on thee edge of their seats to get only a glimpse of a UFO,
alien or Bigfoot Sasquatch (which the creator refers to as «the bears», and
they are also remnants of the angelic sea that was scattered from planet
Lucifer has been given the legal right to place his own down here on thee
earth in our day. «just as in the days of Noah, so the presence of the son
of man will be.» (In Noah’s day the giants walked thee earth.)
DRACONIAN ANGELS: Draconians father reptilians when mating with a human.
The fathers (Dracs are high ranking fallen angels) of these reptiles have
technology to capture and place these pure evil demons or reptilians or
Nephilim into human bodies emptied by careless guardians. (a demon is a
WATCHER angel/human hybrid, and Watchers were a guardian class of angel who
fell to become thee Annunaki) If you can accept the biblical fact that
fallen angels run our planet, from there you will become in touch with
reality. You can begin to train yourself to easily be able to spot them
(running) society among us. They are easy to spot. The support patriotism,
government, the constitution and the money system. Remember, Lucifer
invented MONEY and POLITICS = creation ruling creation vs creator ruling.
They are pretty easy to isolate once you understand a few basics but for
the most part their role is to govern in society. (gangs, obviously angelic
of an evil nature for instance, obviously, with increasing frequency
closely moderate society) They are very old for one. They use marijuana
heavily to numb their particular pain (which like anything else they do
only serves to make things worse — they are in a fundamental sense dumb as
a rock) They are fire proof — psychopath narcissists, they may have a
blatantly evil, say homosexual channel on you tube and yet not be burned in
the slightest by comments of ridicule) They are cattle herders in one way
or thee other — governors. (When Yehushua was on earth, Lucifer offered him
all the kingdoms of earth — GOVERNMENTS as a potential «reward», proving he
owns them all) They are aliens. Alien to the universe. They don’t resonate
with nature. You may have a brother or sister who although a law abiding
citizen simply does not, say, get along with animals, or just has a
coldness to them. They are from a universe all their own. They are not
always sporting demon tattoos and go around saying how they love to hurt
people, but love is always eventually nipped in the bud by them as they are
energy vampires basically love flows this way, they flow that way. If you
get suspicious a family member is one of them, which he may well be, he may
haunt your house with phenomena and pretend to be surprised, may claim he
once saw an alien un cloak, or the classic pointless you tube videos
pointing at reptilian reporters all day which promotes boils down to
promoting lizards and really it does nothing to instill ones faith in the
living god.
You can isolate them using biblical questions — especially regarding the
Most High and they refuse to acknowledge Him — at least not in a
(genuinely) tasteful light. By the way they are quite capable of
speaking/using the creators name. Since Luci still desperately attempts to
run the planet currently while the creator methodically abysses him, his
star children are often found secretly placed into positions of authority
on earth as cattle herders, in an attempt to keep human minds in «place»
now. These may be teachers, or found in Luci’s money machine, engineering,
advanced construction and so on. They may, say, use a music master demon to
nip HUMAN talent in the bud. (they hate humans as a human has the Yahweh’s
trademark in his/her DNA, which can, actually WILL eventually be used by
Yahua Himself in order to destroy them)
Meanwhile the creator is (here) again now, ruling secretly. He is an actual
person you can literally point to, with a definite body and an actual name
in a definite space in time, (His throne is in the Sun) and He is ruling
once again, now, over and on this planet (Earth), secretly, as of the year
1914 and so these seeds of Lucifer placed on the planet now live an
awkward, painful life indeed — since the creator police’s them intimately
now, yet «as a thief in the night,» secretly, and no crime goes unpunished
— in fact the locust plague of revelation sees to it that sting operation
is the perpetual name of the game now beginning in word and evolving into
deeds with the death-stroke and jail and FEMA camps. Lucifer has always
been known as thee ACCUSER, It’s how he eats — and so Lucifer’s stinging
locusts are the creator’s wrath such that they BURN all evil doing with the
sting in their «tails» (meaning actually predominantly with their mouths
(accusations) but these stings will eventually become physical climaxing
with the death-stroke and FEMA camps) Lucifer does not want the demons and
reptilian «humans» among us to know the creator is ruling and secretly has
a gun to his back now — and so he first lobotomizes them, then places them
here after erasing their past memories as evil spirit persons. (other of
these ones here now know exactly what they are)
These aliens in society are actually notoriously easy to spot: very bossy,
they harbor an inner rage that always inevitably leaks its way out in one
way or thee other, since they do not bully others freely as the blatant
giants they once were in Noah’s day and this «anomaly» burns & confuses &
torments them greatly. Why?..because today, unlike in Noah’s day the Most
High is ruling once again and so will destroy bullying by a fire, meaning a
symbolic permanent and complete condemnation of thee earth that is now,
meaning the wrongdoing itself — the literal earth of course is forever.
Meanwhile the money king loosh (love of tortures) loving «Dracoinians»
enjoy watching the reptiles burn. If this message speaks to you and your
inclined to the gang language mentality, if you can behave your self now,
while still on earth, it may bode as a relief with you discover at death
that you only return to the painful 4th dimension at your human bodies
demise to exist in the spirit realm during the thousand year reign of
Yehushua. Alas these evil immortal reptilian, demons and Anuk (and the
Draconian) fallen angels and angel/human hybrids will eventually all be put
to death, cast into the lake of fire at thee end of the thousand year reign
SUPER SOLDIERS: Lucifer is blessing the super soldiers entity program now
as regards it’s exposure on you tube specifically and these chip implanted
soldiers will become embraced as celebrities of sorts — and the chip
technology will begin to rise and shine as being a good thing. The
promotion of the chip was in fact the whole point from the get go with
super soldier program and Lucifer currently blesses these soldier peeps to
function as whistle blow front men: (Incidentally Luci is not at all happy
with having to be left to resorting to this…. and all his primary routes
have now been closed through both exposure and also quartz crystals/sting)
(operation) Lucifer is presently instilling the idea chips are are the
next stage in evolution and make you super human and are a good thing. The
chips are Lucifer’s crown «jewel» but in truth to be controlled is a
human’s base core worst nightmare and that is the whole point with them.
Torture. It’s how Draconian eat and and this evil, vampiric manner of
energy feeding they refer to as LOOSH.
SUPER SOLDIERS as front men:
Draconian angels are super human it is crucial to them any super
human entity or being beheld on the earth is not seen as *angelic* because
that would instill faith in reality — that there is a god after all which
there is. They don’t want people putting 2 and 2 together. Lucifer is going
to need an army when he and his forces becomes a worldwide Hitler on
steroids shortly, and this is going to mean he must first perpetuate the
idea that super soldiers are lovely, handsome guys that everyone looks up
to and so peeps are watching these initial truther soldiers coming out on
you tube and are finding themselves blessing them and praying they move
forward with their agendas (and penises). Lucifer was given the legal right
place angels from heaven on earth against their knowledge to test them.
Therefore these lovely people could be used to perpetuate the Luciferian
soldier movement. God bless them, but evil will follow behind them. Lucifer
never gives you anything without taking something bigger in return. He
pound Eve’s face with his fists after mating with her in the garden. The
super soldiers movement will become no different. Husbands will be tied up
while their wives and children are raped before their very eyes it will be
a time horrific beyond worst imagination (watch the video CREATOR SPEAKS
FOR 2013 criticalelixir channel u tube the creator explains it better then
i do.)
The result also being a massive influx of human guy wannabees
pretending to have joined the SS program. All these men taking part in the
FEMA camps round ups will suffer the plagues of revelation soldiers are
always typically the first ones to be eaten actually — by the Dracs. Thus
Lucifer entices a vast army of humans into joining the soldier movement
during the rise of the chip so’s they can have a piece too like they
(think) the super soldier props are doing the same way gangs think they are
going to be so «blessed» by Lucifer when they are sent to a prison for 2
years and then murder a prison guard and get life because they have grown
up feeling that evil is romantic, and also gang leaders are often demons
who are just plain dumb as a rock and insane. Always remember that word
insane. Aliens in one word personified? *INSANE.*
(but really all it amounts to is the *CHIP*. the 666 chip — Lucifer
is using chipped soldier intrigue so’s the truther movement peeps absorbing
the video become attracted to the *chip* basically and really that’s it
right their in a nutshell.)
Meanwhile Yahua only spoke 4 times in thee entire bible and once was when
Yehushua was dying on the cross and He said «this is my son, the beloved —
whom I have approved — LISTEN TO HIM.» With no other name in or under
heaven can humans find salvation.
Lucifer in one word? is an a$$hole. a major a$$hole basically. Once
you get to know him he is the same person you will be hating the most.
There is no one can make you hate like Lucifer can.
….where people go in their mind with Lucifer now is their problem
just like it always has been with him.
There’s people that are anointed. And so you cannot kill the Lords
anointed. Whether they’re good or bad people they’re anointed.
Satan’s anointed. He’s been given a calling, he has a role to play and he
has time to do that and so we can’t diminish — we can’t take anything away
from him that which the father has given him.»
Lucifer is anointed to perform the death stroke shortly wherein the wicked
are removed from off of thee earth. Luci needs humans to embrace the
Draconian presence during this time. He is (presently) spear heading in
this with the super soldiers movement he cannot enter until humans afford
him the legal right to enter. He is all about paperwork. You must give him
permission in all cases as pointed out in this video. (In this video,
Pindar is in reference to Lucifer.)
criticalelixir channel you tube to learn more about the super soldier
program as it ties in to the bible and Yahweh
Pencil: The alien technology right there on top of your desk: Why a team
of you if given a hundred years in a native North America, could not build
me a pencil with its shiny yellow paint that does not rub off, the alloy
tip, the perfect long cylindrical lead inserted into the wood, the perfect
lettering, and to say nothing of the machine that puts out 100 pencils an
I was actually hoping over the years that at least one person would argue
with my pencil illustration. To be honest I thought I would instantly be
laughed off the threads — I have been delivering my pencil analogy for
years with no arguments what so in thee ever as of yet.
But then none of you have ever seen a Draconian in person either you have
only light. No darkness. You need both not one or thee other to understand
what contrast is.
So far no one on you tube has even bothered to begin to argue with
me on the illustration of the pencil since not even one of them could ever
come remotely even close to building one. (from scratch) Not in this life
time. You wouldn’t even know from square one. I’ll make it easier perhaps
you would like to begin by going out in the woods in your native north
america and simply harvesting me some graphite. Easy huh — My guess is you
will likely need to refine it first if you want to make a pencil out of it
but then that would be the second step to say nothing of forming it into
those perfectly round long cylinders. But again you would not even know
from where to point.
Ok here’s an easier one — wander out into a cotton field and build me a
T shirt. You are now surrounded with 100 percent cotton right? is what the
plant already delivers? — and you don’t even have to learn how to point.
Get back to me when you get your t-shirt built. I will even allow you to
enlist thee aid of the person who has been knitting all his or her life for
60 years, and whose father did same, and great grandfather — to say nothing
of making something along the technical expertise found in a»simple» pair
of panty hose or thousand count sheets… So rather then try and destroy
this analogy merely with clever wording — meanwhile the t shirt will never
come to fruition not single hand-idly, and certainly not from scratch and
not…. by any humans hand.
Thee angels were cast down into, and confined to the vicinity of thee
earth as of the year 1914 — go back to the 1800’s and show those people
something as simple as a clear plastic Sparkletts water bottle — you will
instantly attain fame, wonder and notoriety and as far as thee eyes can
7:45 Skinny Bob seems most legit.
*******Watch It On Mute*******
the one at 1:42 looks like CG (computer generated) which means it was made
on a computer and edited into the video (for those who didn’t know)
at 2:36 how come that car didn’t slow down? because that was CGI maybe
This is so pathetic I can’t comment. That’s my comment.
The only ones I thought were good were the sewer shots and skinny Bob.
That’s pretty amazing looking right there.
1) The blinking eyes of the ‘Skinny Bob’ entity was VERY interesting. Who
ever it is that would spend the kind of money it takes to create a puppet
and the software program to animate the body language for some hoax would
have to be well funded or just very affluent. Affluence has its circles, so
it’s still a fascinating scenario no matter how you slice it.
2) On that last one, of the entity folding back into some other dimension,
you can see the light’s reflection on the leaves of the trees.above it.
It’s a very natural one that is consistent with how light refraction works.
Interesting stuff regardless of wether or not one believes that
extra-terrestrial or inter-dimensional entities exist. Physics’ String
Theory and the results from the LHC is making scientists wonder if ANY of
this exists in some kind of ‘real’ way. Mathematics defines all
possibilities; it is the Universal Language.
I love Grey Aliens as the anal probing is great! Unlike Human anal sex it
fucken hurts like hell , i need lubes and douching.
With Aliens its noninvasive , medically clean and I don’t have a hangover
like booze?
LMFAO ,Peace to all Asian believers! 冚家鏟
scary…. goosebumps. :((((( I hope they won’t hunt us! :((
At 4:11 that was the Rake not A grey alien
Ive seen this phenomenon, where these so called «GREY ALIENS», are found
in graveyards. Anyone come to think, maybe these «GREY ALIENS», are demons?
Alot of men who were high ranking masons, have came to same conclusion as
It’s so fake that I am scared that people are loosing their abilities to
use technology to make convincing frauds.
some of these are clearly fake, and some apears like nothing, example the
park camera video, they appear like the creatures off mushishi anime
I felt like a retarded when I saw this wet pussy fake and gay video : )
OMG, another blurry, unstable, low quality video of aliens on youtube! It
must be real! But only the uneducated who will believe *anything* think
it’s real, while anyone with any intelligence discounts it! It must be a
The difference between the uneducated and the educated is this:
The educated don’t care one way or the other if aliens are real, and they
don’t create a conspiracy when others disagree with them; they have
evidence on their side.
The uneducated only care about being infallible and can’t handle the truth
if it means they’re wrong, and they create conspiracies when others
disagree with them.
Rule of thumb: if you are making something up out of whole cloth, create a
conspiracy, otherwise just rely on the universe to tell the truth and don’t
worry about it.
6:00 the guy can not even take a shit in peace hahahaha
ayy lmao
The sighting at 04:25 is on my birthday nov. 14th 🙂 🙂 🙂 this is my
present from the extraterrestrials
The sighting at 04:25 is on my birthday nov. 14th 🙂 🙂 🙂 this is my
present from the extraterrestrials
I saw one today, I’ll describe it. Glowing dim red, slowly moving
vertically up until it reached a point where it flashed a few times and
vanished. The sighting took place from San Clemente, Ca. The total duration
was about 14 seconds.
Nov 30 is my bday
Are they here to help or to deceive?….I would like to think that maybe in
another thousand years or so the human race would have evolved by itself to
become star travellers.
Thank you! I watch these every month.
AFO files posts these videos every month. Super cool stuff!
World had an off month…maybe December will be better
how can i know that this is truth what the reason of they to fly in sky? we
need to understand they signals like morse… is this not everything an
military super high tech prduction? we have 2013 everything is possible
Folk going on about it being fake. Maybe some of it is BUT its 1 hell of
alot better then third phase’s rubbish at least this guy aint staring in
the video bigging himself up. I come here at the end of each month and have
done for a while as i think its a really good reliable channel. If you
don’t like it why not go over to fake cousins channel and spread your hate
Wheres December?
Here is another genuine UFO video of a varity of spacecraft the last one in
this video if you watch close you will see transforming A very advanced
ciivilation to have technoligy like that just amazing enjoy!
Keep up the good work AnonymousFO, really cool stuff there
Yeah its all legit too, ive see SOOO many, seriously go to rural area for 2
hours a night in the summer, bring a camera, do this each day for 2 weeks
and I GURANTEE you catch at least one, works every time for me, I live in
illinois… june 29th, 2011 I saw the holy grail, but it deactivated all my
electronics sadly so no video
That last one is not a craft. That is some sort of life-form.
AFO is my second favorite youtube channel behind Penguinz (critikal). Yeah
some of them you are going to say… FAKE! But others you can really say, I
am not so sure… anyways his stuff is great.
tis not about future or past..tis about can you accept things that aint
mainstream?….like drinking flouride?…think fossil fuels is all we
primatives have to offer or discover??interresting [0_0]
no answers? whut’s wrong with you???
If any of these are real I’m gonna go MLG with a jetpack and go steal one
Wheres December?
Thanks for the soothing music,its taking my mind off the day we»re all
gonna die in a horrible way.happy new year!
wow scary but where’s December
Thanks for the vid & Happy New Year