This is a pack of pictures of UFO’s and aliens I have collected over time, hope you e… Video Rating: 4 / 5
UFO & Alien HD Wallpaper Pack (Download): 20 комментариев
I do not see a nuclear war. We cannot launch an ICBM without it being shot
out of the sky by a UFO. The last two fell to that fate. Both were filmed.
We, meaning the human race is being protected from ourselves and hostile
aliens. That is my view shared my others. Not because of humans. It is
to protect those that travel the dimension many call wormholes. Nuclear
explosions can cross dimensional borders can cause havoc there. The only
way to get there is travel 365,000 miles per second or gate into another
dimensional highway which travels thousands of times faster. Like falling
into a storm filled river. Makes trvel to other star systems almost
instantly. I have been told there are 32 such gates in the world.
the last one is definitely not real,its from a film no one has commented
on-Alien,Aliens,Alien3,Alien Resurrection, AVP , AVPR,why are all the alien
pictures your stereotypical ones
I do not see a nuclear war. We cannot launch an ICBM without it being shot
out of the sky by a UFO. The last two fell to that fate. Both were filmed.
We, meaning the human race is being protected from ourselves and hostile
aliens. That is my view shared my others. Not because of humans. It is
to protect those that travel the dimension many call wormholes. Nuclear
explosions can cross dimensional borders can cause havoc there. The only
way to get there is travel 365,000 miles per second or gate into another
dimensional highway which travels thousands of times faster. Like falling
into a storm filled river. Makes trvel to other star systems almost
instantly. I have been told there are 32 such gates in the world.
These are GREAT….Thank you
@ExtraterrestrialMind Welcome. And i really appreciate all the pix frm
1870-2008….awesome dude 😀
to me that spoke a lot!!!
u realy love aliens
@910winston LMAO
Are we long for this world?
0:00 The Silence!
Awesome collection mate 🙂
that pictures are wonderful!
O.M.G. i cant tolk ))))
i saw every morning one in the miror.
the last one is definitely not real,its from a film no one has commented
on-Alien,Aliens,Alien3,Alien Resurrection, AVP , AVPR,why are all the alien
pictures your stereotypical ones
some of those pics creeped me out, gave younger sibling nightmares
me gusta
it would be funny if the aliens turned out to be like e.t
@jimmey123able tnx
is that Download free? i hope bro and ill say thanks mate