CLICK 4 PLAYLIST NEWS 18TH APRIL 2013 — They planned all the explosions up to the Si…
A colonel suspects a cover up when a test jet picks up a signal on radar mysteriously disappears and Flight 412 is forced to land and be debriefed at a speci…
Some very interesting stuff. My only concern is that this was on SyFy. I
have this tendency to not trust popular mainstream television channels.
It’s unfortunate but you just don’t know what can be trusted, other than
the evidence that is trying to be suppressed by the officials, that’s kind
of obvious, with the exception of purposely doing that to psychologically
deceive the viewers. If you want to get a fake theory out there, just
pretend it’s real and try to hide it and then let it slip out, that’s Psy
Ops 101.
Тут немного дело в другом ))) Когда такие огромные обьекты стали видны
реально почти из каждого любителького телескопа скрыть этот факт уже
Some very interesting stuff. My only concern is that this was on SyFy. I
have this tendency to not trust popular mainstream television channels.
It’s unfortunate but you just don’t know what can be trusted, other than
the evidence that is trying to be suppressed by the officials, that’s kind
of obvious, with the exception of purposely doing that to psychologically
deceive the viewers. If you want to get a fake theory out there, just
pretend it’s real and try to hide it and then let it slip out, that’s Psy
Ops 101. Also, couldnt a lot of these things in the photos of the Moon just
be debris from the many spaces stations and satellites that have been
destroyed in our orbit and the Moon’s orbit? Especially the actual alleged
dish on the Moon? It’s a very good theory though with no real evidence to
oppose it though: that Human creators came from Mars, created us, and then
observed us from the Moon until we got on our feet or whatever reason they
wanted to disband. Who knows….
Всё запрятано смазано и ни одного чёткого снимка ПОЧЕМУ? Какаято не
понятная аномалия с фотографиями — все мегалетические обьекты не возможно
спрятать даже в размытом формате ЕГО ПРИЗНАЛИ СУЩЕСТВОВАНИЕ <---- О БОЖЕ НАКОНЕЦ ТО зато не кое существо передвигающееся и оставляя следы достаточно отчётливо на фото видны НУ РАЗ УЖЕ ПРИЗНАЛИ ФАКТ ПОСТРОЕК скиньте более качественные фото или они аномально размыто уже приходят со спутников ОРБИТЕР !!!????
At 29:35 is what I mean by debris. Looks a lot like a destroyed space
station or satellite that fell there.
I forgot my popcorn. This was brilliant. Thanks for posting it.
Loved the movie so much , iam going out to get a hot dog.
great movie!!