Ovni Incroyable! Photo prise par OPPORTUNITY & SPIRIT, une SOUCOUPE sur MARS Ovni increíble! Foto tomada por OPPORTUNITY & SPIRIT, un PLATO en MARS. For More… Video Rating: 4 / 5
UFO AMAZING! Photo Taken By OPPORTUNITY & SPIRIT, A SAUCER On MARS (HD).mp4: 25 комментариев
It is a rivet fastened to a metal «pipe/tube» on the rover — in fact, look
to the far left, you’ll see that it is positioned on a «pipe/tube» which is
what is giving the illusion that there is something hovering over the Mars
landscape, but it is not the landscape, it’s part of the rover. -dc
L’auteur de la vidéo est trop fort: -Il compare des clichés à l’échelle
différente: «navigation» (ou échelle humaine) et «microscopic»… -Ces
clichés sont issus de deux rovers différents (Spirit et Opportunity) situés
à plusieurs milliers de kilomètres de distance…
@ 1:22. I thought there were no thunderheads on Mars? That’s what it looks
like in the sky! Yet, I have pics of Mars with clouds moving by. Other than
this, it must be the water, cause you’ve been putting out some excellent
vids lately! **********!!
It is a rivet fastened to a metal «pipe/tube» on the rover — in fact, look
to the far left, you’ll see that it is positioned on a «pipe/tube» which is
what is giving the illusion that there is something hovering over the Mars
landscape, but it is not the landscape, it’s part of the rover. -dc
rover reminds me from the face mountain
Its a hilock rivet head
It is just a big rock , the slant on left is not the same as on the right
Crazy. It moved up on the rover for a closer look. Maybe that disc was a
drone or some kind of scout.
WOW ! Amazing stuff !! Ta very much !!!!
Thanks for uploading !!
nice music
Woua un rocher volant !
L’auteur de la vidéo est trop fort: -Il compare des clichés à l’échelle
différente: «navigation» (ou échelle humaine) et «microscopic»… -Ces
clichés sont issus de deux rovers différents (Spirit et Opportunity) situés
à plusieurs milliers de kilomètres de distance…
Martian Tortilla server.
@KMPaz4op I see it now, it have sense!
@ 1:22. I thought there were no thunderheads on Mars? That’s what it looks
like in the sky! Yet, I have pics of Mars with clouds moving by. Other than
this, it must be the water, cause you’ve been putting out some excellent
vids lately! **********!!
@PitBullsBiteHard you are right, thank you very much
very very interesting
EriGIA007 you are an IFM. Identified flying Moron.
it’s not a UFO, it’s a UO
Mé c k1 cayou XD
It’s Predator !
Se n est pas un OVNI c juste le capot du vesseau
music sucked.