NEW — Something flies by ISS: Imagery property of Google Earth Thanks pballplayu94!! Fake? Legit? Have FUN and an …
Sorry to burst your little green men bubble, but for those thinking this is
real, it actually appears to be a worked version of the USS Defiant from
Star Trek made to look like its in the ice….. But carry on believing if
you wish.
This looks more mechanical, hence a vast air inlet for any connecting deep
underground bases. Spaceships are generally organic in build, meaning no
sheets, rivets, moving parts I.e slats.
Well, it’s more simple than anything anybody wrote:
The point is, anyone can post any picture on Panoramio with any coordinates
= I can post the image of a pizza in the middle of the Sahara: are you
going to believe there is a unidentified flying pizza there ?!
@ Cathy Margin, Youve explored Antarctica on google maps, wow you must know
everything. i did an 18 month expedition there, and must say i dont think
you cut it as an authority on the matter. lol
I dont think he would help you find the location if he made it up.
But just because it looks very unfamiliar or similar to what we expect an
alien ufo to look like does not mean its not something man made.
100×100 hoax propaganda of 65 millon year hoax cause the flood caused the
state of the earth in wich is now since.knok knok…and y agree…quote
This is a photo taken during a movie shown in a planetarium. This part of
the movie shows the meteorite hit that killed the dinosaurs (65,000,000
years ago) and created the Gulf for Mexico. The ISS was not around for
that. The movie is computer animation. Black splotch is the planetarium
That’s not a UFO. Looks like the reflection of the sun in the ocean with a
planet next to the sun. No wonder NASA is cutting off all public access to
Disinformation. They want us to tell everyone about this so that later on,
when they reveal that it’s a Hoax, they can ridicule us, making us look
illegitimate. They use something called, «controlled opposition,» pointing
us in the wrong direction, mixing some truths along with disinformation.
Alex Jones is used in this manner. There’s an English guy, Gorilla199, who
does a lot of flying saucers and symbolism. He’s a Reptilian shill. Check
out his video, «Alien UFO Fortress: Malta…. At 6:47, and again at 6:50
his Reptoid tongue darts out. At 6:51 you can see his lip morph into his
reptoid tongue, lol. The slow motion, frame-by-frame Reptoid finder
techniquethat’s going viral really works. Check out the video if you harbor
any doubts.
Looks like something HAARP cooked up 😉 And I ask you, who DOESN’T know
about HAARP now a days? Especially when they have one stationed up in
Alaska and a few others heaven knows where else, but I digress :/
They are here and want to be noticed these are seen popping up all over
earth so it’s no fake but how will the public handle it and what are their
intentions are anyone’s guess. They seem to only be hostile if their is a
threat to them but the fact that they are here says we were never alone.
God bless..
I told you all that i have 1 million starships, this is a little one. My
family owns this planet.If you people of the earth do not cooperate with us
we will re create you all. My purpose for coming to this planet is to
choose the people that will come on board our vessels in case it is needed
to destroy this planet. The people that i select will be used to repopulate
the planet after the destruction period has recided. I am warning you all
you better watch the type of interaction that you have with ASAR RA
Astonishing that the video acknowledges the image is from a *planetarium*,
and yet, seems to pretend it’s somehow a real picture. Apparently the
maker of this video thinks a «planetarium» is a space based telescope, and
not a fancy projector theatre.
According to several sites, this is a photo taken inside of a Brazilian
planetarium running a meteor explosion simulation. If you’ve ever visited a
planetarium, you’ll recognize the familiar ceiling projector in silhouette.
I feel like throwing up when I read all that comments here!! -.- OPEN YOUR
MIND FOLKS!!! And STOP talking save in the knowlegde about things things
like that! We’re ON EARTH. And none of us have the slightest idea of what
is going on OUT THERE!!
i give up!done
that isn’t from the islands, it is originally from Antarctica.
Lol, google are the sort of people that would troll us like that, they put
loads of «easter eggs» in all of their services
Sorry to burst your little green men bubble, but for those thinking this is
real, it actually appears to be a worked version of the USS Defiant from
Star Trek made to look like its in the ice….. But carry on believing if
you wish.
FAKE!!!!! Who uploaded the pic to google??? The aliens right??? I thought
Just paste in this URL:,-21.871094,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m5!1e2!3m3!1s78150783!2e1!3e10
There is nothing man, i just wasted my time :(
when looking on Google earth there is no picture of this.
sorry only bull shit
This looks more mechanical, hence a vast air inlet for any connecting deep
underground bases. Spaceships are generally organic in build, meaning no
sheets, rivets, moving parts I.e slats.
i just located this same place and there was no picture
This is REAL! Aliens are real. Don’t think it’s not real.
Well, it’s more simple than anything anybody wrote:
The point is, anyone can post any picture on Panoramio with any coordinates
= I can post the image of a pizza in the middle of the Sahara: are you
going to believe there is a unidentified flying pizza there ?!
Don’t see nothing!
Google has also censored the actual location were the picture was taken in
2008 they have erased the evidence from google earth
seems legit…
Global warming is not real.
@ Cathy Margin, Youve explored Antarctica on google maps, wow you must know
everything. i did an 18 month expedition there, and must say i dont think
you cut it as an authority on the matter. lol
usually they say it is found in antarctica ))))))))
idk if they removed it or not but you can find it thru an ipad, I checked
and its there, I took a picture of it too
If someone lives under the ground that something needs to breathie, giant
turbine air
I dont think he would help you find the location if he made it up.
But just because it looks very unfamiliar or similar to what we expect an
alien ufo to look like does not mean its not something man made.
2014 digital globe has removed that pic matey you did this vid 2013 geo
Gutted really wanted to see that for myself
regarder la video a 0:59 sec
UFO Mothership? 3,000 Mile Wide Disc Caught By ISS Above Earth
UFO Mothership? 3,000 Mile Wide Disc Caught By ISS Above Earth
LOL here it comes people the «alien threat» card…ya ready for it???
100×100 hoax propaganda of 65 millon year hoax cause the flood caused the
state of the earth in wich is now since.knok knok…and y agree…quote
This is a photo taken during a movie shown in a planetarium. This part of
the movie shows the meteorite hit that killed the dinosaurs (65,000,000
years ago) and created the Gulf for Mexico. The ISS was not around for
that. The movie is computer animation. Black splotch is the planetarium
That’s not a UFO. Looks like the reflection of the sun in the ocean with a
planet next to the sun. No wonder NASA is cutting off all public access to
Illuminati Confirmed
Disinformation. They want us to tell everyone about this so that later on,
when they reveal that it’s a Hoax, they can ridicule us, making us look
illegitimate. They use something called, «controlled opposition,» pointing
us in the wrong direction, mixing some truths along with disinformation.
Alex Jones is used in this manner. There’s an English guy, Gorilla199, who
does a lot of flying saucers and symbolism. He’s a Reptilian shill. Check
out his video, «Alien UFO Fortress: Malta…. At 6:47, and again at 6:50
his Reptoid tongue darts out. At 6:51 you can see his lip morph into his
reptoid tongue, lol. The slow motion, frame-by-frame Reptoid finder
techniquethat’s going viral really works. Check out the video if you harbor
any doubts.
3000, miles wide. that is as big as the united states. it would have been
major news. LIARS.
Its only the crystalline entity from star trek the next generation.
i call this BULLSHIT no shadow and if it was real then people will be
calling it it that then means it be all over the news so yes its BULLSHIT
i love pancakees
Looks like a huge explosion!?
If this is real news, then why isn’t this on CNN, NBC, NASA’s website,
If we look inside will we find the missing malaysian airplane?
its fake there are no clouds high above the earth
Looks like something HAARP cooked up 😉 And I ask you, who DOESN’T know
about HAARP now a days? Especially when they have one stationed up in
Alaska and a few others heaven knows where else, but I digress :/
I like butter and maple syrup on my pancakes
They are here and want to be noticed these are seen popping up all over
earth so it’s no fake but how will the public handle it and what are their
intentions are anyone’s guess. They seem to only be hostile if their is a
threat to them but the fact that they are here says we were never alone.
God bless..
I told you all that i have 1 million starships, this is a little one. My
family owns this planet.If you people of the earth do not cooperate with us
we will re create you all. My purpose for coming to this planet is to
choose the people that will come on board our vessels in case it is needed
to destroy this planet. The people that i select will be used to repopulate
the planet after the destruction period has recided. I am warning you all
you better watch the type of interaction that you have with ASAR RA
shit it got out anyway, dam you internet
Astonishing that the video acknowledges the image is from a *planetarium*,
and yet, seems to pretend it’s somehow a real picture. Apparently the
maker of this video thinks a «planetarium» is a space based telescope, and
not a fancy projector theatre.
Hollow earth theory.
According to several sites, this is a photo taken inside of a Brazilian
planetarium running a meteor explosion simulation. If you’ve ever visited a
planetarium, you’ll recognize the familiar ceiling projector in silhouette.
I feel like throwing up when I read all that comments here!! -.- OPEN YOUR
MIND FOLKS!!! And STOP talking save in the knowlegde about things things
like that! We’re ON EARTH. And none of us have the slightest idea of what
is going on OUT THERE!!
They flyin through yo ozone snatchin yo ppl up tryna probe em, so hide yo
kids, hide to wife, cuz they probin erebody out here
Its only visible from top, from the ground it looks like blue sky.