Ufo’s don’t exist until the American Government says they do. Nothing in
the U.S is real or true until an «authority» says it is. It doesn’t matter
if you see it right in front of you.
Until an «expert» comes on the News and says it’s real, it does not exist.
They do Exist and NASA has been trickle feeding the public for years. to
accept the idea of many races of EBE’s
with movies and tv shows and people coming foreword. there are way to many
coincidences not to have any other intelligent beings similar to us or more
advanced. the most recent one to think of is a damn near clone to earth.
its perfect it sits in the Goldilocks area. it has land and sea! that’s a
very large LARGE thing for NASA to come out with. not only that but there
are countless planets like this in our little galaxy
The first minute of speculation and the male deep voice was enough to close
it off. Maybe does not count, we want information, real data, real
evidence or shut up.
What most impressed me was that the description of the entities (at 35:00)
definitely match the ones that appeared in Fatima, Portugal in 1917
according to the original accounts of the children who have met them back
then. Aspects as the height (4 ft), translucent/ghost-like, a very small
mouth, the floating motion are totally identical.
is this really a national geographic documentary?
I hope so, cause it is so realistic.
And, I hope the documentary- the content- is real.
Quality is lacking, but that aside the information was good. Well worth the
time. Thank you for posting
Ufo’s don’t exist until the American Government says they do. Nothing in
the U.S is real or true until an «authority» says it is. It doesn’t matter
if you see it right in front of you.
Until an «expert» comes on the News and says it’s real, it does not exist.
They do Exist and NASA has been trickle feeding the public for years. to
accept the idea of many races of EBE’s
with movies and tv shows and people coming foreword. there are way to many
coincidences not to have any other intelligent beings similar to us or more
advanced. the most recent one to think of is a damn near clone to earth.
its perfect it sits in the Goldilocks area. it has land and sea! that’s a
very large LARGE thing for NASA to come out with. not only that but there
are countless planets like this in our little galaxy
HD? Homegrown Douchebag
Douchebag (Urban dictionary) = Someone who has surpassed the levels of jerk
and asshole.
The first minute of speculation and the male deep voice was enough to close
it off. Maybe does not count, we want information, real data, real
evidence or shut up.
Who is playing the annoying clarinet? Aliens?
WE r not ALONE….theres sumthin peeps r seein…. not everybody is a
nutjob eh…lol
+ollie niz This 1 hour 37 minute documentary might interest you mate
They realy exist I saw them many times , great to see this video thank you
What most impressed me was that the description of the entities (at 35:00)
definitely match the ones that appeared in Fatima, Portugal in 1917
according to the original accounts of the children who have met them back
then. Aspects as the height (4 ft), translucent/ghost-like, a very small
mouth, the floating motion are totally identical.
According to the Hindu Scriptures..we are NOT alone in this universe
HD-quality my ass! THUMBS DOWN!!!
I am just wondering where the National Geographic logo is and the H.D is?
most of the ufo and usos are caming from our future generation traveling
back in our time
Ufo Disclosure-very amazing- national geographic documentary
This is NOT a national geographic documentary…
maybe I’ll just re upload this under a diffent name…wtf, you did
title of the zong in 5:15
great video, thanks. all aliens and most of the ufos and usos are demons in
thank you