UFO Down to Earth — Dreamland (Paranormal Aliens Documentary) Literally thousands of government employees are sworn to secrecy at the base called Area 51. Wh…
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SecureTeam Shirts! https://secureteam.spreadshirt.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/SecureTeam10 E-mail us: Thesecureteam@gmail.com 9/25/2014 Today we look at …
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Many years ago I was up close and personal you might say with a ship and an
Alien. I believe the being was a female simply because it had noticeable
female features. And I speak of it’s looks facially. The rest of the body
had no apparent male or female features that I could tell. I was on a
holiday in Yucatan. I had just finished eating with some friends and went
for a short walk alone at the near by tree line of the jungle that
surrounded the immediate area..( probably 20 t0 25 acres) About 30 feet
into the tree line I noticed a faint glow down an embankment where a narrow
creek meandered by. The glow was behind a large tree and got a little
brighter as I neared it. Suddenly I felt a burst of heat on my face and I
tripped over a vine and landed by the base of the tree.
The activity and my fall startled me. As I quickly moved to right
myself, a small slightly iridescently lighted face was only inches from
mine looking directly into my eyes. It moved almost instantly behind me
and then to my front again with seemingly no effort.
I was frozen with fear and tried to scream, but nothing came out
except small gasping breaths of air. Suddenly over our heads, some type
of bright disked shape appeared. I tried to move but was paralyzed.
Seconds later I passed out.
It was early morning by the look of the atmosphere above the canopy of
the forest. I struggled to my feet and plodded slowly back to the
clearing. As I reach the clearing, I began to notice a painful electric
spasm in my lower back and buttocks region. OH DEAR GOD I’VE BEEN
+secureteam10 Get back to audio over the videos….I like that much
better, but thanks for sharing what you do with us all. Peace!
I’m more inclined to think that is human craft. And here I’ve met a grey
alien. But frankly, most of what you actually see in the sky is humans.
The technological disparity does not mean they are aliens. There is a
secret space program, far ahead technologically while the majority of
humans still think we need gas for cars. This elite faction of humanity
is being assisted by shady aliens as well, IMO.
Gonna go ahead and say that is a GPS sattelite, which is actually just
closer to the ISS, rather than being miles across, because it is very hard
to judge distance in space, but an object that large wouldn’t be able to
fly atmospherically without falling apart.
I do not believe that this is a UFO. There is clearly something on the lens
of the camera.@2:30 you can see the cloud shapes outside of the circle
(ufo) but the shape of the cloud also continues into the darker area (UFO).
Well, it looks like a weather balloon, nothing interesting.
Probably Aliens sampling how bad we are turning the ocean into a sewer.
Pictures with words = must be true
aliens are a hue-man propaganda along w/ all religions. The «aliens» are
the NEWER version of the old dogmas. Hue-man has eons of history & not the
short crap timelines taught. All the monolithic structures around the world
are from very long suppressed advanced hue-man history. The structures on
the moon, mars & most likely on other planets are ALL hue-man built. Those
battles written in dogmatic scriptures between gods & angels using virmanas
n’-such were colonial battles between advanced «HUE-MAN» not gods or
aliens. My point?! The powers to be want the world to believe in aliens but
its all bullshit & ITS ALL HUE-MAN.
Please start posting links to the original photos.
Just makes it much easier to check it out ourselves :)
having never been aboard a space flight, I can only speculate here, but the
«craft» may be a ;piece of chocolate or even human waste on the camera.
However improbably that may be, it makes more sense than a five-mile-wide
UFO hovering over the ocean for indeterminate reasons. (hint: if that WERE
the case, do you think the world’s governments would just let it hover
Those darn sneaky aleins! Fishing without a permit I’ll wager.
NASA will remembered in the future for this ridiculous and persistent cover
up , shame for this on them
there is a dark disk, granted, but the rest is speculation
Good catch, certainly looks like a huge UFO.
I would have to say that image looks suspect..
what a load of crock, nah just taking the piss, be good if it was live
Too bad the ISS is a total fake sham, as in not real, phony, made up,
digitally generated & manufactured psyop to deceive the ignorant masses
into believing there’s a make believe «international Space Station» &/or
«Space Program»… Which in truth is more like Programming your mind to
believe and whole hearted buy into a false reality of the realm beyond our
And you can get a good indication to the extent at which the false reality
of space programming has been thoroughly successful, by noting that amount
of people that may read a comment like is and «instinctively» deny,
dismiss, reject, and or find unbelievable… But they’ll reach that
preprogrammed & socially excepted response, without even or ever taking any
real objective study into the history of the space program to consider the
vast amount of evidence that is contradictory to the official story lines
that most assume and believe as truth nor consider the overwhelming amount
of videos and pictures of space, «the ISS», the Apollo «moon missions»,
etc. which all show clear indications of an illusion, through various means
of media manipulation (computer generated imagery, images and video shot on
staged sets made to look as if & sold to the naive masses as actual pics &
video footage taken from the astronauts upon the lunar landscapes, from
inside the ISS «in orbit above earth’s atmosphere» and the many other
subtle clues that plainly illuminate the media magick trickery… Though
most are so well conditioned they will not allow themselves to even
consider the plausibility of such deception, never mind the same powers at
be have been shown throughout history to be continually found blatantly
guilty of lies and deceit perpetrated against the masses.
Look, NASA and our partner countries up there have a network of cameras
(and radars) on the ISS oriented at various azimuths recording 24/7/365,
just to find these things they know are out there. The footage is digitally
scanned for anomalies like the big ‘saucer’. The question becomes why the
leak….and where is the really good stuff. What are they preparing us
that is one of them there «SPACE TURDS»…..Someone was using the shitter
and flushed moments before ISS snapped the shot…if ya watch them clouds
in the background,you will see the swirling motion of an intergallactic
super flush and the turd definately swirls to the left…..DEBUNKED!!
Not so enormous and not so stationary. It was an ISS re-supply ship.
someone dropped a hot rock on the lens…keep trying though shills, i mean
lads ;)
I’ve watched a few of your videos now. Starting with your video of NASA’s
live feed of earth. Now I know why it was shut down, I loved watching it
for hours on end. Anyway Subscribed!
If you expect people to take you seriously, you should work on your
spelling and grammar in the videos you post. Things like «not one of
our’s» is wrong. «It’s size» is wrong. It’s extremely frustrating trying
to watch a video when the words look like they’re typed by a nine year old.
Obviously a fly on the ISS camera lens ^^