Date of sighting: Nov 3, 2014 Location of sighting: Earths orbit at ISS Source: NASA ISS HD live cam I was watching the live space station cam and noticed th… Video Rating: 3 / 5
Great catch assuming its real.I bet its our own craftsman…most of them
are,dont get me wrong I believe in other races way ahead tech wise. Either
nice find
If this IS a real video, then why is it that, in the exploded view, the
black parts of the image constantly vary in pitch yet the object has
constant color?
Обращаюсь к специалистам по данной теме и к тем кто поможет мне сделать мне
сайт и я покажу то о чем мечтало наша цивилизация.По мимо летающих
объектов, а их на снимке более 13 есть и ОНИ снятые еще 2012 году. Извените
,что не опубликовывал тайна для одного всегда ценится выше чем публикация.К
сожалению в это верят только те кто увлечен и имеет достаточное мировзрение
в знании изучая космо т.е.галактику.Помогите мне сделать сайт для видио мне
сегодня так хочется всех подевить. Готов спорить на миллион S. все равно
я выиграю.Простите за бестактность но файлы ждут.
Until ET’s press the issue and land a flying saucer on the White House
lawn, our government(s) will continue to lie to us and call everything they
find sun spots and swamp gas. Our Government is well aware of ET’s. What
you should be worried about is why they are still lying to us about them
almost 70 years after Roswell. Is it for our own good, or because they’ve
made a deal with the Devil?
Why aren’t these News Stories all over the Top of The News ??? Just last
week even NASA «OFFICIALLY» admitted seeing a UFO the size of the Planet
Earth fly into the sun, where it remained for a week, then it flew back out
into outer space… Maybe it was a Fuel Stop ???
Hello Scott, did some work on a screen shot and will post this enhancement.
My impression is that this phenomena exhibits the characteristics of a
built/material format Vs. holographic, etc., representations. Its distinct
structural components contribute to this view and, for what it’s worth
Scott, I believe you have identified and described this strange appearance
quite accurately. Come to think on it, it looks like an Independence Day
scout craft .. yikes!! Yes, that’s a good one then .. look for » Scott’s
Independence Day Craft » and use pause/HD. Good Spotting Scott and thx for
the sharing. / -Morbius
Scott lol, thats a camera stain illuminated, them stains are there every
day, sometimes the light hist one mark or the other, its no UFO no no no,
Still your a top 10 channel, keep them coming
It’s hard to say for sure but the object in question appears to be an alien
(as in not belonging there) artefact on the front of the lens. The camera
is moving therefore the glare created by the object changes in brightness
Its a UFO only because it is unidentified, that’s all. Once again, its
blurry, unable to be seen accurately. How convenient. There is so much
space junk and equipment out there, the Earth is encased in floating
objects. Just a reflection. Nothing new here.
Im tired of hearing all this UFO crap…its all over yahoo like twice a
week and its been like this for months
В НАСА Луну открыли?
Great catch assuming its real.I bet its our own craftsman…most of them
are,dont get me wrong I believe in other races way ahead tech wise. Either
nice find
this is a Putin’s secret drone
This is over 9000% real! LOVE IT SO HARD…. Aliens are comming here
soon… cant w8! Nothing more to say.
If this IS a real video, then why is it that, in the exploded view, the
black parts of the image constantly vary in pitch yet the object has
constant color?
Обращаюсь к специалистам по данной теме и к тем кто поможет мне сделать мне
сайт и я покажу то о чем мечтало наша цивилизация.По мимо летающих
объектов, а их на снимке более 13 есть и ОНИ снятые еще 2012 году. Извените
,что не опубликовывал тайна для одного всегда ценится выше чем публикация.К
сожалению в это верят только те кто увлечен и имеет достаточное мировзрение
в знании изучая космо т.е.галактику.Помогите мне сделать сайт для видио мне
сегодня так хочется всех подевить. Готов спорить на миллион S. все равно
я выиграю.Простите за бестактность но файлы ждут.
So… basically anytime you see a flying object you can’t identify, it’s
automatically an alien spacecraft?
Until ET’s press the issue and land a flying saucer on the White House
lawn, our government(s) will continue to lie to us and call everything they
find sun spots and swamp gas. Our Government is well aware of ET’s. What
you should be worried about is why they are still lying to us about them
almost 70 years after Roswell. Is it for our own good, or because they’ve
made a deal with the Devil?
Why aren’t these News Stories all over the Top of The News ??? Just last
week even NASA «OFFICIALLY» admitted seeing a UFO the size of the Planet
Earth fly into the sun, where it remained for a week, then it flew back out
into outer space… Maybe it was a Fuel Stop ???
Hello Scott, did some work on a screen shot and will post this enhancement.
My impression is that this phenomena exhibits the characteristics of a
built/material format Vs. holographic, etc., representations. Its distinct
structural components contribute to this view and, for what it’s worth
Scott, I believe you have identified and described this strange appearance
quite accurately. Come to think on it, it looks like an Independence Day
scout craft .. yikes!! Yes, that’s a good one then .. look for » Scott’s
Independence Day Craft » and use pause/HD. Good Spotting Scott and thx for
the sharing. / -Morbius
это блик на илюминаторе
Это Путин, это Путин, это Путин виноват!!! )))
Всё я теперь верю в уфо .
Reptilian space station)
ха-ха…очередной фейк!
It’s faike, photoshop…
директор рен тв опять нарушает
UFO In Earths Orbit At Space Station, Nov 3, 2014…
Scott lol, thats a camera stain illuminated, them stains are there every
day, sometimes the light hist one mark or the other, its no UFO no no no,
Still your a top 10 channel, keep them coming
It’s hard to say for sure but the object in question appears to be an alien
(as in not belonging there) artefact on the front of the lens. The camera
is moving therefore the glare created by the object changes in brightness
Its a UFO only because it is unidentified, that’s all. Once again, its
blurry, unable to be seen accurately. How convenient. There is so much
space junk and equipment out there, the Earth is encased in floating
objects. Just a reflection. Nothing new here.