An extraordinary bright orange flash has lit up the sky in Russia’s Sverdlovsk region in the Urals. While locals captured the massive ‘blast’ on numerous cameras, both scientists and…
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An Archive Of The Best UFO Videos Caught During The Month Of September 2014, The World Is Watching! Electrifying UFO Sightings Captured During Major Lighting…
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Officials refuse to comment on cause of extraordinary light flash over
Urals. #MeanwhileinRussia
This appears to be the glow from a small tactical nuke. That or the alien
wars have begun.
RT actually believe in UFO’s — Jesus, this should be proof enough of how
moronic RT are
put off seeking god any longer because soon everyone on the planet is going
to realize we’re living in the last days. Every knee will bow before him on
judgement day as it was told in the bible… life on earth is going to
become unbearable as we progress into the events prophesied in the book of
Looks like Russia just got another spy satellite taken out
Looks like a HAARP tech test, coooooool. A nuclear flash would sudden, but
this flash gradually builds; a telltale sign of energy weaponry.
HAARP? Just thought I`d get that in first before the theories start piling
Maybe its a sign from God that we should kick Muslims out of our countries?
obviously not nuclear…the nuke blast is much brighter than that and
faster. Don’t know what that is but it’s not a nuke…
Why Meteors alway hit Russia ? :P
RT believe in UFO’s — more evidence of how thick RT staff are
Oh! Could that have being one of those solar flares where the Sun farts up
a storm 100 times larger than our Earth?
Now enjoy the internet show of Nibiru and alien fanatics going completely
ape over this shit. This is obviously some phenomena like a meteor blowing
up in our atmosphere or something similar to that, and soon enough it will
be proven. Until then don’t even try and talk common sense with these
fearmongers, until they can be proven wrong this is evidence of doomsday.
Have a good laugh!
Eerie singing…and somewhat hypnotic.
Fairly obviously, it’s some kind of explosion above the cloud layer, the
light being diffused by the cloud. I’d agree that it’s almost certainly a
large meteor that burned up at a low altitude.
UFO? Meteor? Blast? Massive light flash over Russian Urals stuns locals,
scientists (DASHCAM)
A huge flash lit up the early evening darkness, as shown by images taken
from a dashcam on a road close to Yekaterinburg. Emergency services refuse
to comment cause of extraordinary blast in the dark sky.
oh well, teleport, gives two flashes of bright light, when Russian troops
returning from the Donbass. Obama is not silly when not guess
The U.S. Military is most likely testing Project Thor, their new kinetic
bombardment weaponized satellite armed with tungsten rods. Since it is a
top secret program, I can only theorize.
I’m not saying this is a nuke but a nuke detonated in space like the one in
the Starfish Prime op looks very similar here is a picture and the article
on wikipedia Also Russia was
testing this today
Russia is testing their new *JewFryMissile*
Meant for Israel.
did anyone notice the purple dot flying away at 0;13? its at the top right.
it comes from the flash. or its just something else and the car passes it
0:13 Top right, anyone else see that?
Propane truck exploded :P
(Please pardon my grammar, English is my second language)
The way I look at people and ETs, is this, if you do not believe in life
outside of our solar system, then you will stay firm in that believe, and
nothing will change your mind. If an actual craft landed in your back yard,
and the ET itself walked, crawled or flew out of there, you would still be
convinced that it is just a secret gov project. Now about ET believers, you
would believe you saw a alien ship every time you see something that you
cannot explain. If it’s a UFO, it means that it is a Unidentified Flying
Object (UFO), not a Extra Terrestrial.
It takes a lot for me to believe that something that I see is actually not
human made. Just because it looks like a saucer or a triangle, it has no
meaning to me. We all know the government has Black Projects like the
secret space program in which NORAD, DARPA, LM, and the USAF (I’m sure a
few other Secret Agencies) are involved in. They work with very advanced
physics, so I know by now, they have created some very advanced «space
ships» that would absolutely look like «UFO»s. For me personally, there’s
one way you can tell the difference. The silent hover? very possible for
advanced physics to create a noise canceling engine (ION Propulsion??) so
that would not convince me. Clear-like, almost invisible craft? That is
also possible. NASA has been working on advanced mirror tech for many
years. It would take live feed from the top of the ship, and display is on
the mirror screens at the bottom, so it looks see through-ish.
The only way i believe it would be something out of this world, is by the
take off acceleration. They go from a dead stop to extreme warp-like speeds
instantly, in a blink, or vise versa, from extreme speeds, to a sudden
complete stop. Your body cannot withstand the amount of G force pressure,
and it would squash your insides to nothing. A roller coaster puts out
around 3-5 Gs on your body. Fighter Jet pilots handle around 8-12Gs during
a hard turn at max speed. The most amount of Gforce a human body can
withstand is up to 100g for no more than 1 sec. In the 1950s, a man
withstood 46gs for only 0.4secs, that caused him to have severe brain
damage, blindness in both eyes and temp hear loss in both ears. Blood
rushed out of his eyes, he also had many issues with his body. It will
start squashing your body like a little bug.
To travel the universe, you would have to travel much faster than the speed
of light, otherwise, it would take you millions of years to get to your
destination. The speed of light is 186,000m/s, it travels 6 trillion miles
in one year, the Gforce would be in millions/billions. Nothing we know of
can withstand that amount of pressure. When i saw something hovering still
above the park facing my backyard in 2008, and then out of nowhere,
accelerate so fast that it vanishes in a blink, made me believe it is not
of this planet. Physics as we know it cannot explain it.
Famous (influential) people who publicly admitted they believe in alien
jimmy carter
Bill Clinton
Al Gore
Richard Branson
Albert Einstein
Stephen Hawking
Bill Gates
Ronald Regan
Christopher Columbus
Elon Musk
Neil Armstrong
Buzz Aldrin
And many, many more well known government officials, Billionaires and
Scientists who admit that not only do they believe in aliens, but they have
seen them. This list can go on forever.
As years go by and our technology gets better and better, we start to open
more doors to the cosmos and we see and find things that we previously
thought were extremely rare. Thanks to Kepler space telescope, we now know
that every star out there has a solar system with at least 1, 2, 3 or more
planets orbiting them. A lot of these planets are also in the habitable
zone, (where life is possible). We also know that most of the planets we
find are earth-sized planets, but even if earth like planet were very rare,
1/1,000,000, that would still give our milky way Galaxy a Billion earth
like planets. Signals travel at the speed of light, so If we pick up a
signal from alien, the species that send it would be ahead of us by a long
shot, between a few thousand, million or even billions of years ahead of
us. This advanced society will be incredibly technologically more advanced
than we are. There is a very common misconception about ETs today, don’t
aspect them to be some soft, squishy, «movie looking» type of alien. If
they survived that long, they will be machines, super intelligent machines,
or just trans biological.
In the last century, we went from dying of simple diseases, to replacing
body parts with prostatic equipment. In the next century, we will have
robots in our homes, healing cancel and AIDs. Imagine if we had a million
or even a billion years to work with, what we could create, what we would
When you see ants in your backyard, would you get down and try to
communicate with them? Maybe aliens are not contacting us because we are
like ants to them, they don’t see us as intelligent life, we have
absolutely nothing to offer them. Or Maybe they are sending us messages
right now, but they are so advanced, we just can’t detect them.
Why do the smartest humans on earth, Scientist and Physicist believe in ET
life?… Recent surveys conducted by many news networks and research
companies, show that within the last 40 years, the believe in aliens had
shifted more towards the believers than non believers. 65 percent of the
population, believe that we are not alone now and that number is growing
every day.
I know this is very long, and if you read through all this, i thank you. I
just felt like i had to say something because i get very upset when i hear
people poke fun of other people who believe they saw a UFO, or who believe
in aliens.
This nation is Astronomically ignorant about the universe. I believe that
media confusion, un updated textbooks, and Hollywood myth making have all
played a role in this knowledge gap. Today’s kids are so focused on sit
coms, rock bands and celebrities, that they are extremely miss educated,
miserable and puzzled in classes. If you are one of the folks who makes fun
of people who believe in aliens, i encourage you to please take a second
look at the sky. Research the galaxies, other planets in habitable zones,
and some of the recent discoveries, and if you still dont change your mind,
maybe you will at least learn enough to stop making fun of the people who
do believe. Any human who is educated with a reasonable intelligence, and
has basic knowledge of Astronomy, knows there has to be life out there.
After all, what’s scarier, that there is alien life, or that out of
hundreds of billions of galaxies, trillions of stars, planets and moons out
there, we are completely alone??
My real name is Taras. I saw a UFO in 2008, and ever since then, I’ve been
fascinated with Astronomy.
In my version of Google Maps for the same street, the so-called «UFO
Anamoly» did NOT appear at all. Did Google or the CIA/NSA/NASA rub it out
of the video? Sorry Blake, but there is nothing on the current version of
Google Maps for that street. 🙁 !!@@!!
stupid balloons tied together
My question is this; if millions of people around the world have seen these
things dropping other smaller objects down to the surface of the
earth—where are they going? I wish the people that send these videos in
would put in their approximate location and where they think the location
that these things are dropping them at. Maybe someone could tie in to what
kinds of bases are in the vicinity. Let us know where this is happening so
someone can look into this further. Maybe even find another base of their
activity on earth. You know they are underground all over the place.
hes in honkong chinese lanterns ha
I had my first UFO experience today two massive diamonds came separate
bright yellow and the other was red its was flicking then just went any
ideas I live inrugeley uk
I am a UFO believer and staunch advocate for the reality of this phenomenon
and of alien presence on earth, but these type of «lights in the sky» at
night videos from very far away are not going to help this movement.
I wish this channel would stop uploading every piece of crap video and
focus on only the most dramatic and compelling daytime, close up sightings.
Mars is ancient and what we are all looking at is a destroyed landscape.
Probably war. Maybe a few million years old. These are the remnants.
Maybe the Chinese are all aliens
THIRDPHASEOFMOON App is now available for phones and Tablets and is free to
Retard alert. Birds = UFO, Planes = UFO, Reflections = UFO
The music is cool on this video
That was only a flock of birds reflecting the light of Venus through swamp
gas.Since there is 100% no chance that there is life anywhere else in the
universe (proven) it cannot be anything else except mass hallucinations
brought on by excessive drug use.
I’m still waiting on yall to answer some of my questions……. Why do you
hide things from your channel? II thought you want to be a
researcher……. Also, is Blake Cousins gay? Looks and sounds like
it…….. You should not be that way it’s not normal
Again….Why don’t they Land?
Don’t be a fool… Everybody knows that «aliens» are really just demonic
entities masquerading as «benevolent cosmic visitors»… And if you don’t
already know that.. you are being easily deceived by a phenomena that by
its very nature is deceptive (ie changes shape, changes form, shapeshifts
from one form, shape, manifestation to another, is not forthcoming with
its/their identity, hasn’t/doesn’t disclose its/their intention, reason or
purpose for being here, etc.). ET — extra terrestrial aliens traversing the
vast expanses of space, is a massive mind manipulation malicious lie built
upon an entirely false reality about the true nature of space… All to
make you think you’re not that important, thinking that «there’s a huge
probability for a intelligent life forms on other planets»… And in truth,
everyone and everyone’s decisions & intentions are much more significant
then they may realize, in a great sense we are the center of the universe
and there have always existed forces in the world that work through means
of deceit and undetected to most, methodically inject their occult
influence & belief system onto to the unsuspecting minds/hearts of people
the world over, and lead them to increasingly more ignorant, self
destructive and disillusioned ways & states of being.
“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been
― Mark Twain
Lights reflected in the window the person is filming through… seriously
do I have to tell you people everything!?
I am from the future
16:34 an imprint from a leg of a lander spacecraft.
The Transcendental Spaceman Hiphop UFO Music Video at +Mindz{i}Site
I think ufos are just spunk from all the wanks from all over the world. You
see the spunk shoots out and people catch it on video. My mate Danny gane
said once a ufo went in his bum. I told him it was just his dad. But he
said it can’t be cos his dad was at work. The next day he was all gay and
touch me. And he had a mark on his neck. Must of been a ufo.
pouhahahaha ce ne sont pas des UFO mais des expériences militaire en plus a
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