бесплатная онлайн игра UFO Online www.ufo-game.ru Это мой 1 обзор)))

GTA 5 UFO Spaceship in Free Mode Online. Also you could start seeing this UFO Spaceship Online because somebody that have a Jtag is putting this UFO everywhe…
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серию UFO люблю, но игру явно ещё допиливать и допиливать, то что есть
сейчас, маловато, глобальности нехватает
Ты долго все расжевовал))) В итоге мне игра не понравилась.
хватит срать в коментах тролли
ну т.к. ты играешь долго как и я, нам это известно. А обзор делался на тех
кто не знаком с игрой
thats creepy
This happened to me yesterday
Bruh thAt hep pens to me!
lol i go room to room doing that
Its happend to me before my Xbox GT:XxMPX SmithyZxX
If you want the Gamertag, his GT is Chr0m3 x MoDz 6 (Xbox 360)
do a facecam while trolling someone in gta v
King-AlexHD I just saw your video when you trolled a kid and had him get
rid of all his cars and my friend was talking like that about your youtube
channel and he is only 10 and he plays gta 5 could you troll him
Dude me and my friend were there! I counted there was 7 when I was online
so my friend got a heli and we took a selfie on the highest UFO of the
mountain of UFOs XD so cool
People who have it go into lobby’s frezen it to all plagers and hop lobby’s
so Everyone has it not many ppl on ps3 have it have not seen it there yet
Thats ecb2’s mod