August 12, 2014: Pictures of what look like a UFO stir up interest across the Houston area. Ryan Korsgard reports. Source=… Video Rating: 4 / 5
it is the highway light. I live here, and the ufo is the exact shape of the
highway light fixture. The bright ‘blown out’ light at the top of the pole
is actually a ring of lamps — every 4 lane divided highway intersection
has these fixtures. And this photo is an exact representation of the blown
out lights on the pole. It is caused by internal reflections off from one
or more lens surfaces.
Tell me something, everytime someone sees UFO’s, why is it allways in
Texas? Ohh, its because UFO’s just travel in north american skies… Yeah,
cool story. Now study some astronomy. It is highly probable that extra
terrestrial life does exist in fact, but outside of our solar system, and
so far away that we are not just separated by space but also by the TIME
barrier. It is physical impossible for us to have a real time contact.
Information CANNOT travel faster than light. End of story.
Extra-terrestrial life probably exists but this, for sure, wasnt the case.
UFO (Unfilmed fun orgy). Ovnis only exist in movies, they are just a
product of our imagination, media use that in their favor, use your brain
people or lose it.
A photo? man that’s the easiest thing to edit. A couple of minutes in
photoshop should do the trick. The universe is huge, sure. There might be
alien life somewhere. But here? nah
why would aliens fly in a circular spaceship? just because that’s what we
see in movies? whay wouldn’t they have spaceships just like ours? if there
was an inteligent civilization in outer space of course
New Video Surfaces Of Houston #UFO — KPRC: via
Not aliens from another planet. There from right here its all in the bible
. Nephilims
Aliens, I am not in that damn Texas. I am in Europe, take me with you!
Watch the percentages
it is the highway light. I live here, and the ufo is the exact shape of the
highway light fixture. The bright ‘blown out’ light at the top of the pole
is actually a ring of lamps — every 4 lane divided highway intersection
has these fixtures. And this photo is an exact representation of the blown
out lights on the pole. It is caused by internal reflections off from one
or more lens surfaces.
Watch the percentages
US testing something again.
Its funny when they try to say its the weather haha.
One thought is that if something is coming here with technology, can they
advance us?
Drone with lights.
UFO Over Houston TX Sways Public Opinion — KPRC:
Preachers dont talk about it . I bet he voted for obama.
So some people still think we are the only life in the entire universe? Are
they crazy? Common how can they be so blind?
Tell me something, everytime someone sees UFO’s, why is it allways in
Texas? Ohh, its because UFO’s just travel in north american skies… Yeah,
cool story. Now study some astronomy. It is highly probable that extra
terrestrial life does exist in fact, but outside of our solar system, and
so far away that we are not just separated by space but also by the TIME
barrier. It is physical impossible for us to have a real time contact.
Information CANNOT travel faster than light. End of story.
Extra-terrestrial life probably exists but this, for sure, wasnt the case.
UFO (Unfilmed fun orgy). Ovnis only exist in movies, they are just a
product of our imagination, media use that in their favor, use your brain
people or lose it.
Preachers dont talk about it . I bet he voted for obama.
Students of Rice University inspired by The James Turrell Skyspace playing
around with the arctic laser with an optic header.
New airplane, test it, put lights on the bottom and everyone thinks its
something extra terrestrial. perfect cover.
A photo? man that’s the easiest thing to edit. A couple of minutes in
photoshop should do the trick. The universe is huge, sure. There might be
alien life somewhere. But here? nah
why would aliens fly in a circular spaceship? just because that’s what we
see in movies? whay wouldn’t they have spaceships just like ours? if there
was an inteligent civilization in outer space of course
Its Robin Williams coming back as Mork…nanu nanu, Mork…please stay
no video of the ufo?
The end is near, may god have mercy on the unknowing.