Everyone loves a great UFO photo or video. But is it a UFO or is it something else? This presentation focuses on the need to critically look at UFO photo and…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
В сети появились фотографии неопознанных объектов на фоне Земли. Возможно это космический мусор или обломки. Но некоторые формы уж больно похожи на инопланет…
Great presentation. Love the hard analysis and debunking.
Great video, there needs to be more professionals like him in the ufo field
to sift out the fakes.
f off and i am polite before i kick ur ass asshole of stupid man talking
who pays you PRICK
The real pictures of flying saucers are usually sequestered that why we
only have garbage to look at. Just because someone said it look like a ufo
does not make it a ufo but if want to see real ufos and I mean metal body
alien driven ones just get some good and I real light amplifies not cheap
IR type night vision goggles and go outside of any big cities at night and
start watching the sky. you wont believe what’s flying around but you soon
will become a believer.
oh ok, here we go,……the tether incident
what the hell is up with all those empty chairs?!?!