We already went through this. Did you even watch ANY of my 20 or so
«scientific» documentaries on the mechanics, dynamics of structures and the
properties of HEAT, not fire. Thousands of gallons of jet fuel produced a
hell of a lot of Heat! To make matters worse, the fire retardant foam on
the steel beams were stripped off when the planes hit. Why do we keep
bringing this up? Truth is often stranger than fiction. Conspiracy
theorists are just simply uneducated when it comes to the sciences. Read
Hey gentlemen, take a breath. I’m not brainwashed…on the contrary. No,
I’m not religious either. God did not create Man, Man created God and UFOs.
I’m not a simplistic «UFO Believer» like 99% of the ignorant who post silly
«points of lights» on YouTube. However, I’m aware of UAP reality, not UFOs
with aliens playing with your laser pens, but a phenomenon science hasn’t
caught up with yet. There is a difference! Get a grip!
I’m not. True, no plane hit. Flaming debris entered the building’s bottom
floors. After the collapse of the two towers, there was no water pressure
left to control tower 7. It’s all academic if you read.
Yes you are brainwashed by the elite and inhaling chem trails too
much….sorry for your narrow mindedness!Hey I expect trolls to be on these
sights,your comment is no surprise!Oh but let me guess you are a religious
freak and believe in God eh??
Hey Sonny, The universe is teeming with life. Most intelligent life in the
Cosmos is beyond human comprehension. If they were studying us, they would
do it from a distance. We wouldn’t be aware of it. We do the same
ourselves. And if we had direct contact, would we even recognize it for
what it was? Are a colony of ants aware they are living next to an airport
runway with Homo Sapiens on board with laptops and smart phones?. What,
advanced aliens are crashing their saucers more than our planes??
My only question doubter is why in the fuck are you looking up UFO videos
if you are a disbeliever?That spells troll to me!Sorry time to read fake
history books dude!
I am starting to wonder if you are a troll seem to know alot of
losers….give you my location,I deal with trolls my own way……enough
said….fuck off trolls!
Lol.yes they are very inteterested in us….they may not be here but I am
sure like us,would send drones/probes to investigate this crazy….you are right though we all have an opinion.I will stick with
my ideas,keeps me have your opinion,goodluck.
Lol….so ignorant….we are alone in this endless universe/dimension?I
think not…who do you think created us?We are just an experiment here.The
small G’s designed us.Darwin theory is a fucking joke!All will see what we
are about when pass on to the next stage of our souls path.Reverse
engineered crafts,possibly,but where did we get the idea from?Our ancient
ancestors of course!Oh well on to the next phase…!!
My goodness Lori, never mind. How many times do I have to explain it? Why
don’t you research it instead of listening/watching YouTube. As I asked
earlier, did you even bother to watch any of the scientific analysis
documentaries I sent you???
LOL, how nasty, name calling and all. The actions of a child with a toy
taken away from him. Sorry to rain on your parade bub, but I’ve been around
long enough to distinguish reality from fiction. I’m a truth seeker, not a
«UFO Believer» Read, learn, get educated instead of being so gullible and
naïve. You probably believe 911 was an inside job, the moon landings were
faked and there are structures on Mars Sheesh, no wonder the world is full
of morons!
Conversation translated? The previous comments?The t blank guy? He’s a
Customize your message
We already went through this. Did you even watch ANY of my 20 or so
«scientific» documentaries on the mechanics, dynamics of structures and the
properties of HEAT, not fire. Thousands of gallons of jet fuel produced a
hell of a lot of Heat! To make matters worse, the fire retardant foam on
the steel beams were stripped off when the planes hit. Why do we keep
bringing this up? Truth is often stranger than fiction. Conspiracy
theorists are just simply uneducated when it comes to the sciences. Read
Better without goofs on here!!
Hey gentlemen, take a breath. I’m not brainwashed…on the contrary. No,
I’m not religious either. God did not create Man, Man created God and UFOs.
I’m not a simplistic «UFO Believer» like 99% of the ignorant who post silly
«points of lights» on YouTube. However, I’m aware of UAP reality, not UFOs
with aliens playing with your laser pens, but a phenomenon science hasn’t
caught up with yet. There is a difference! Get a grip!
Finally you’re making sense Cheers!
No worries Lori, I’m just having fun with the «boy»
I’m not. True, no plane hit. Flaming debris entered the building’s bottom
floors. After the collapse of the two towers, there was no water pressure
left to control tower 7. It’s all academic if you read.
You serious? Over 80,000 lbs. of plane and tons of jet fuel hits foam…do
I need to go further?
Yes you are brainwashed by the elite and inhaling chem trails too
much….sorry for your narrow mindedness!Hey I expect trolls to be on these
sights,your comment is no surprise!Oh but let me guess you are a religious
freak and believe in God eh??
Hey Sonny, The universe is teeming with life. Most intelligent life in the
Cosmos is beyond human comprehension. If they were studying us, they would
do it from a distance. We wouldn’t be aware of it. We do the same
ourselves. And if we had direct contact, would we even recognize it for
what it was? Are a colony of ants aware they are living next to an airport
runway with Homo Sapiens on board with laptops and smart phones?. What,
advanced aliens are crashing their saucers more than our planes??
My only question doubter is why in the fuck are you looking up UFO videos
if you are a disbeliever?That spells troll to me!Sorry time to read fake
history books dude!
I am starting to wonder if you are a troll seem to know alot of
losers….give you my location,I deal with trolls my own way……enough
said….fuck off trolls!
Hey Sonny, Get educated, go here (all one word of course) google ufo news
dot com
Lol.yes they are very inteterested in us….they may not be here but I am
sure like us,would send drones/probes to investigate this crazy….you are right though we all have an opinion.I will stick with
my ideas,keeps me have your opinion,goodluck.
Ohh, what’s the point. Ignorance prevails
LOL, a what?
Lol….so ignorant….we are alone in this endless universe/dimension?I
think not…who do you think created us?We are just an experiment here.The
small G’s designed us.Darwin theory is a fucking joke!All will see what we
are about when pass on to the next stage of our souls path.Reverse
engineered crafts,possibly,but where did we get the idea from?Our ancient
ancestors of course!Oh well on to the next phase…!!
Chemtrails? There’s another, silly conspiracy theory What’s next?
Ho hum, what’s the point, you don’t read
My goodness Lori, never mind. How many times do I have to explain it? Why
don’t you research it instead of listening/watching YouTube. As I asked
earlier, did you even bother to watch any of the scientific analysis
documentaries I sent you???
Politician LOL Let me ask you this. What was Tower 7 anyway?
LOL, how nasty, name calling and all. The actions of a child with a toy
taken away from him. Sorry to rain on your parade bub, but I’ve been around
long enough to distinguish reality from fiction. I’m a truth seeker, not a
«UFO Believer» Read, learn, get educated instead of being so gullible and
naïve. You probably believe 911 was an inside job, the moon landings were
faked and there are structures on Mars Sheesh, no wonder the world is full
of morons!