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An encounter on the dark side of the moon: ‘UFO’ spotted soaring above lunar surface in online video. Is 2013 the year we finally make contact with our broth…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
This is me
There is nothing I repeat NOTHING strange here yes this is a UFO in the
literal sense.. its an unidentified flying object. Its likely a lunar
But more likely just a piece of space debris in between whatever is taking
these images and the moon.
Shame of course I wish it was a real UFO ill find one, one day..
جسم غامض يحلّق فوق سطح القمر
UFO hovering over the surface of the Moon
جسم غامض يحلّق فوق سطح القمر
UFO hovering over the surface of the Moon
جسم غامض يحلّق فوق سطح القمر
UFO hovering over the surface of the Moon
upload your own video of you doing the same then or some1 else
stupid fucking people
I don’t see a description as to where this video was shot from. Can someone
enlighten please?
I don’t say it’s a alien ship or a human ship or anything else but the
people that say «aliens don’t exist» are stupid. Can they bring the proof
they don’t exist ? No !
EKAF!! =/
เหมือน อาสุจิ เลยยยยย
ow it looks like my sperme ahahahah
where is come from this clip?
Stop to say what I didn’t say ….
How could you possibly prove that aliens don’t exist. You’re erecting a
strawman, no one is saying that aliens definitely don’t exist.
Very strange ! but how can we be sure that this is not a fake?
Governments have something to answer for !!!
theres spams in space? WOW
That’s probably photoshopped or probably moon particles, like rocks or
i would like to watch a video make by one of people who think that footage
is fake, why? how can we make the same fake video if a someone is enough
brave to accept his stupidity
It’s look like made by CG. I can do the same like this clip very easy.
u know .. people believe what they wanna believe even if u approved to them
that you’re right