UFO Sighting in UK, North Wales, Ufo News 2014 НЛО (UFO) 2014 год

Что такое НЛО? НЛО — это неопознанные летающие объекты: никто точно не знает, что это такое. Многие исследователи (называемые «уфологами») имеют теории с пом…
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UFO Sighting in UK, North Wales, Ufo News 2014 НЛО (UFO) 2014 год: 2 комментария

  1. If anyone is interested: This weekend I was in Llundudno north Wales on a
    day trip. I took a photo of the bay from vantage point half way up the
    «main attraction» mountain after getting off the tram. After going through
    my photo’s when I got home, I noticed a very odd object in the sky! After
    being there all day I can say two things. Not once did I notice a flight
    path over the bay and the altitude of the object is very low (in respect to
    the first point) anyone who can debunk this is welcome. I can email my
    photo to you on request.

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