Ufo Sighting 9/2013 recorded in California from the viewpoint of the beach. You can see a few Ufos flying over or behind this ship which appears to have a la…
More Great Vids Here https://adguk.com/ This documentary was only broadcast once in five US states in 1995, then it was shelved and never broadcast again. Thi…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Ufo Sighting 9/2013 recorded in California from the viewpoint of the beach.
You can see a few Ufos flying over or behind this ship which appears to
have a large amount of smoke coming from it. Whether or not this Ufo
sighting is captured during a fire on the ship is unclear. When we first
viewed this tape, we thought that the UFOs might be military flares
released from a plane at sea, but military flares do not fly up, they float
straight down, so we decided to release this interesting Ufo sighting here.
#UfoSighting #California
Thanks for uploading !!!
ET drones…:)
@NAGA G Rag. I too thought they’r flares until 0:31
Did people on the ship see the «UFO’s»? Did the coastguard see them?
Did anybody on shore with a powerful telephoto lens photo them?
The vid lacks such details
Makes you wonder if they are the ones responsible for it, For all we know
our Gov or someone else,s Gov is transporting stuff to make nukes. And they
could be putting a stop to it!
get a 50cal and open fire
Guys and Gals!! I spotted TWO UFO’s in New York City. I just posted it!!
This is not spam!!
I just want to know if the passengers were beamed up and saved. Or eaten.
seems there has been a lot of activity here in the bay area too. I
witnessed a cluster moving all over the place a couple of weeks ago.
Swamp gas.
How can you doubt the legitimacy of that? It looks very real to me.
foo fighters..
Danger Danger!
these are real ET UFOs.
Quite a few people here feel we’re looking at flares. I don’t know much
about flares. Could any of you who are versed in the subject, tell me if
it’s possible for flares to hold their position (like these ones) in such
high wind? You can hear the wind on the mike and can clearly see what the
wind is doing to the smoke from the ship. I also don’t know enough about
videos to tell if this has been faked. Would appreciate any expert input
on that subject, as well?
do flares go up and sit at a certain altitude for a bit and then fly
upward ?
what beach?
Same video, everyone sees something different.
No wonder there are so many UFO reports. People here seem to have trouble
with the concept, ‘Ship on fire, sends up distress flares’.
There are good cases out there. This ain’t one of them.
Несколько НЛО наблюдали за горящим американским кораблем!
В сети появилось новое видео с НЛО, которые зависли над горящим кораблем в
США. Случайный очевидец снял, как огни зависли над судном в огне, а потом
разлетелись в разные стороны.
Как сообщает The Huffington post, на видео видны три яркие пятнышка,
которые зависли в воздухе и некоторое время не улетали от пожара. Однако
через несколько минут по очереди начали покидать корабль. При этом каждый
из трех НЛО улетал в другом направлении. Энтузиасты-охотники за
доказательствами присутствия внеземных цивилизаций на Земле предполагают,
что видео вполне может быть настоящим. Однако военные США сомневаются, что
НЛО — именно внеземной космический корабль. «Я уже где-то видел такие огни.
Это может быть новый истребитель F-35. Вполне возможно, что он проходил
испытания у побережья», — предполагает эксперт Мак Дантонио. Вместе с тем,
версия о новом истребителе не объясняет, почему огни разлетелись в разные
check out Illuminati insider Donald Marshall if you want to know the
biggest Illuminati secrets and if you want to help destroy the NWO. he’s an
Illuminati prisoner taken to the cloning centers against his will. people
(including innocent children) are being used as sex slaves and are being
tortured there. Don needs as many people as possible to help him inform the
world about the Illuminati’s secrets: human cloning, cloning centers, Vril
lizards, parasited human hosts and dead chipheads. please help rescue those
that are trapped and silenced with the threat of endless torture and death
by sharing Donald Marshall’s info/vids. the sooner this all becomes global,
the sooner everyone will know the truth and those that are trapped will be
Shocking Letter From An Illuminati Prisoner (Donald Marshall): The Most
Important Document That Has Ever Been Put On The Internet
here’s an interview with Donald Marshall: Illuminati Cloning Programs, Sex
and Murder Cults and Reptilians! Donald Marshall 26feb2013
Flares do not last this long you fucking idiots. Or fly in formation!!
Anyone else feel like they’re in a scene of Signs with Mel Gibson?
The practice of immediately ridiculing this information appears to be part
of the continuing campaign of disinformation. I call the tactic bullying
and attempting to intimidate. Intimidation implies negative motivation.
Galileo never prove what is claiming by this guy. He sow the moons of
Jupiter around the planet. This is not a prove.
In the intro it shows a little kid walking thru Vegas ? What’s that about
>Sexually aggressive aliens. Rape.
I thought this was a special to promote a Disney ride!
Someone told me Robert Ulrich had died a few years back.
Lost Walt Disney UFO Documentary: Full Uncut Version 2013 HD
Disney documentary about the aliens…. It doesn’t get more 2nd half than
This is a great find! No wonder it was only played once.
What a load of crap.
did you see and hear all the PAID ACTORS?
NOT INTERGALACTIC… Lying, Demonic,Fallen angels in rebellion to their
creator The Lord Jesus Christ Sorry ADG you should reconsider, rename and
be the DDG ( Demonic Disclosure Group).
idiots — there has been NO CONTACT, that kind of shit just can’t be covered
up for years & years, and don;t give me the illuminati, gov’t syops, black
projects bullshit — just give me PROOF, and not some out of focus blurry
vid or some half-assed witness statement. in an age where people film and
take pics of every boring moment in their life, there is not ONE good
photo/vid — oh wait there is and the gov’t is hiding it. fuck off.
and of course there are other races out there, but they are not coming here
for resources, dna splicing or world domination.
WOW I personally have a different theory about who is doing the abductions,
but I cannot believe how much they said in public!
This is a giant advert for a new ride.
This was a very good advertisement for the Disney World Alien set of 1995.
Lost Walt Disney UFO documentary, what more do you need to know?
Michael Eisner hosted, Disney produced UFO documentary / New Tomorrow Land
theme park ad. The description on YouTube claims it was somehow suppressed
after a single, limited broadcast. If that’s true, why this video and not
the dozens of others produced every year? And what interest does Disney
have in getting the truth about UFOs out to the public? Or why is Disney
spreading misinformation if that’s what this video represents?
If I was currently running a game in a setting like *Conspiracy X* I could
have a ton of fun with this video. Thought I’d share it with the group. ;)
I’m only 2 mins in but I’m loving this!
Aliens are Demons and yes they are real.
Lost Walt Disney UFO Documentary: Full Uncut Version 2013 HD
ok, thousands experience ufos, and its an amazing thing. billions
experience Jesus Christs holy spirit and everyone else needs more proof lol
man I really feel sorry for those who are rejecting Jesus at this point in
time. they need to latch on to God before times up.
…and this from a Company promoting a rodent that can talk!
Are they promoting the new Tommorrowland, or new Fantasyland?
Bringing in conspiracy theories and allusions to «Area 51» to sell tickets
to their theme park is very cynical and self-serving. There are far too
many gullible idiots who will be pulled in by this rot.
A lot of anti christian ignorant trolls here…what a surprise.