UFO Sightings The Alien Human Project Full Length Documentary «World Premiere» Watch Now 2013! Free To all Subscribers of Thirdrphaseofmoon! Humanity’s oldes…
Does the removal interrupt or stop future contacts & does it «offend» the
originator of the implant? It seems like it would, like being abducted as
a privileged not a right..??..?? Anyone have negative consequences for the
August 28 2014 -Everyone is entitled to their opinion, yes! With that
said here is my opinion.
I am a 59 year old Female & my Husband is 60 now. I have a question for
you younger people who seem to think that vulgar, derogative, insulting
comments about This Full Disclosure discussions on Third Phase of Moon
Radio Talk Show or any other one like this site, its a way to vent out all
the anger and frustrations from your everyday lives. We have been married
40 years and have seen many changes, and miraculous events in technology
and our Earth’s reaction to how destructive mankind can be to the Earth and
to others.
If your mind is not open and it is closed than you shall never see or
understand anything of what these people were discussing. Why do you bother
to look on these sights, as I know bye the vulgar language you people use
in your posts, that you are not just skeptics. You are only wanting
attention from other people who speak the same foul and nasty words as
So let me ask you this, do you think you are a solution to society in a
whole or part of the problems here on this once beautiful earth. I pray
that a lot of you will read this and just take a step back and look around
you and SEE with an open mind and Spirit! and in conclusion, I think your
generation of angry closed minded people are in for a Big Wake Up Call in
the very near future and you may laugh at this now, will all see for
yourselves that it is no laughing matter.
If an alien race,,did by some chance need to implant someone, not that I
believe they abduct, since they could scan or teleport cells from a great
distance, after all an alien dont need DNA, you would just need the code in
it, its like saying you dont need your neighbors CD to get the program, you
just need to scan it. But if aliens had to implant someone, would they not
use nanotechnology that is so small you could not grab and take it out even
if you tried. Dont think about aliens with 1914 T model thinking. Think of
aliens with futuristic thinking, with them at the very least having
technology that we may have in a few hundred years or so. For example, when
our scientist invent teleportation, will we then travel in cars and plains
or trains, I think not. So again dont use T model thinking when thinking
about aliens, Maybe they dont fly in tin cans like we do afterall. Im just
saying, people think about aliens with an old T model car type of
thinking, and you miss alot.
Dr Leir and the chemist interviewed about the implants talk about things
that are important, little-known and somewhat mysterious; was it really
necessary to add that insignificant soundtrack in the background during the
interviews? When one speaks about important matters, one should be able to
hear what’s being said loud and clear and in silence, without that
meaningless ‘muzak’ in the background. It distracts viewers from what is
being said, it’s quite annoying, irrelevant and totally unecessary. I don’t
remember GOOD interviews with anyone — from politicians to rockstars —
needing silly music all the way through in the background, and it makes the
documentary less credible too. I think it’d be better to avoid it in the
future. Anyway, thanks for the post
If you look closely at these implants they all resemble a metal like a
meteor, or something that would be picked up in metal shop at school or a
work place. If an alien implanted a tracking bug in you, it would look more
sophisticated an indeed a nanotech product, And lastly, it’s highly
doubtful that you wouldn’t even know that you were abducted and an implant
put inside you. Food for thought, are Aliens so dumb that they would put an
implant into a human, and not hide it. «O the human won’t see the scar
or wonder where did that come from? I do know that the earth has been
visited by alien life from other planets, I’ve seen space ships with my own
two eyes. But I don’t think that these things taken out of people are put
there by aliens. There metal shards, not nanotech devices.
Music is annoying. Why the hell do people have to put music that is a
retarded in the first place, over an interview. And its to loud if you
have to have it….
RIP :(
Those are Jin to deceive the human race.
There are no missing links, only missing brain cells.
Who is the author of the book «Seven traumas» Dr Roger Leir mention, I
couldn’t catch his name.
Does the removal interrupt or stop future contacts & does it «offend» the
originator of the implant? It seems like it would, like being abducted as
a privileged not a right..??..?? Anyone have negative consequences for the
Who’s the 12 year old interviewing Dr. Leir? If you want to be serious,
turn off the back ground music.
UFO Sightings «Alien Human Project» Full Length D…:
Dr. Roger Leir e os implantes alienígenas — impressionante!
August 28 2014 -Everyone is entitled to their opinion, yes! With that
said here is my opinion.
I am a 59 year old Female & my Husband is 60 now. I have a question for
you younger people who seem to think that vulgar, derogative, insulting
comments about This Full Disclosure discussions on Third Phase of Moon
Radio Talk Show or any other one like this site, its a way to vent out all
the anger and frustrations from your everyday lives. We have been married
40 years and have seen many changes, and miraculous events in technology
and our Earth’s reaction to how destructive mankind can be to the Earth and
to others.
If your mind is not open and it is closed than you shall never see or
understand anything of what these people were discussing. Why do you bother
to look on these sights, as I know bye the vulgar language you people use
in your posts, that you are not just skeptics. You are only wanting
attention from other people who speak the same foul and nasty words as
So let me ask you this, do you think you are a solution to society in a
whole or part of the problems here on this once beautiful earth. I pray
that a lot of you will read this and just take a step back and look around
you and SEE with an open mind and Spirit! and in conclusion, I think your
generation of angry closed minded people are in for a Big Wake Up Call in
the very near future and you may laugh at this now, will all see for
yourselves that it is no laughing matter.
If an alien race,,did by some chance need to implant someone, not that I
believe they abduct, since they could scan or teleport cells from a great
distance, after all an alien dont need DNA, you would just need the code in
it, its like saying you dont need your neighbors CD to get the program, you
just need to scan it. But if aliens had to implant someone, would they not
use nanotechnology that is so small you could not grab and take it out even
if you tried. Dont think about aliens with 1914 T model thinking. Think of
aliens with futuristic thinking, with them at the very least having
technology that we may have in a few hundred years or so. For example, when
our scientist invent teleportation, will we then travel in cars and plains
or trains, I think not. So again dont use T model thinking when thinking
about aliens, Maybe they dont fly in tin cans like we do afterall. Im just
saying, people think about aliens with an old T model car type of
thinking, and you miss alot.
Dr Leir and the chemist interviewed about the implants talk about things
that are important, little-known and somewhat mysterious; was it really
necessary to add that insignificant soundtrack in the background during the
interviews? When one speaks about important matters, one should be able to
hear what’s being said loud and clear and in silence, without that
meaningless ‘muzak’ in the background. It distracts viewers from what is
being said, it’s quite annoying, irrelevant and totally unecessary. I don’t
remember GOOD interviews with anyone — from politicians to rockstars —
needing silly music all the way through in the background, and it makes the
documentary less credible too. I think it’d be better to avoid it in the
future. Anyway, thanks for the post
If you look closely at these implants they all resemble a metal like a
meteor, or something that would be picked up in metal shop at school or a
work place. If an alien implanted a tracking bug in you, it would look more
sophisticated an indeed a nanotech product, And lastly, it’s highly
doubtful that you wouldn’t even know that you were abducted and an implant
put inside you. Food for thought, are Aliens so dumb that they would put an
implant into a human, and not hide it. «O the human won’t see the scar
or wonder where did that come from? I do know that the earth has been
visited by alien life from other planets, I’ve seen space ships with my own
two eyes. But I don’t think that these things taken out of people are put
there by aliens. There metal shards, not nanotech devices.
The reason these «implants» live near bones is because they are nothing
more than bone fragments.
Estraterrestres. Tienen. Tecnología. Sorprendente mente poderosa.
Compartan. No. Sean.amarrados manifiesten. Su. Asombrosa. Intelectualidad
Is there a way to block every video these TOOLS make.
where’d you get that nose?
Is it wrong to beleave in the exsistance of Extraturestrials and God
@ thirdphaseof themoon, Again music is lame ruins the interview
How can I take that interview seriously when I could barely hear it.
Perhaps they detected the implants at the event he was at? Did he have them
with him?
they can travel through space n time but they due sloppy jobs
Music is annoying. Why the hell do people have to put music that is a
retarded in the first place, over an interview. And its to loud if you
have to have it….