UFO Sightings Area 51 Test New Military Jet Leaked Footage? 2013 Watch Now! What is IT?

Footage from our source on the ground in Nevada! Claims he caught the new Stealth Fighter Bomber of the Future! Quote «The Craft Can stop and Speed up on a D…

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UFO Sightings Area 51 Test New Military Jet Leaked Footage? 2013 Watch Now! What is IT?: 25 комментариев

  1. Some 10 year old modded his Revelle F-18 model. Cause I believe that aliens
    who cross interstellar distances need wings, sidewinders, and
    sparrows/AMRAMs. Zeesh!

  2. This is a model airplane. If it is really flying, It is using Buzz engine
    (a la V2) or a bad turbo jet engine. As for its being a stealth my
    question is Really???

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