The Alien Human Project Enhanced Audio Version 2013! Due to comments in regards to the «Music» Audio Levels on The Alien Human Project Documentary, we have d…
Good grief! The people doing the interviews are HORRIBLE! Are they trying
to sound like «interrupted professional robots?» Idk..they just sound young
and unintelligent! Can they not ask RELEVANT questions? They just stick to
basic questions. It is like a 3rd gradet asked to interview someone.
This documentary sucks dick. After 1:21 the supposed interview goes silent
and all you can hear is fucking music. What was the point of reuploading it
if the thing is the same as the other one? Fail.
Oh, by the way, I have no fucking clue how this video got 202 likes and
only 27 dislikes, seems like it should be the other way around.
I wish something horrible would happen to ThirdPhaseofMoon. It makes me
angry every time I click on a link and it turns out to be them. They’re
pretty good at making fake UFO videos. Its what their whole operation
depends on. They make fake UFO videos and sell ads on their YouTube page.
They have no interest in looking for the truth about UFOs or pursuing real
UFO Stories. They need to be lined up against a wall and anal probed with a
Especially the violent races of humanity like Africans with they’re civil
war and mexicans with the cartels Europe with the banking thieves and
Americans who pretty much try to back the banks and they’re corporations by
always having a war to provide demand for so many bullets and bandaids
selfish corrupt bastards. I’m so embarrassed to live here i hate humanity!
Great guests but my god blake cousins is annoying as hell. The guy is a
moron! But the fact that we have physical proof of alien existence on earth
is awesome. Its too bad the sheeple of earth don’t care where they come
from or are going or even what they themselves are. People for the most
part are pathetic ignorant and incredibly self centered. I hope the
extraterrestrial beings wipe out at least 99.99% of human beings before the
worthless human race kills earth.
I despair for humanity when I hear a qualified doctor give credence to
people like Zaccharia Sitchin. I reckon if you look deep into his eyes
youll see implants with dollar signs on them.
Furthermore, having the voice on one channel only doesn’t help — it’s quite
annoyng actually. But fortunately I’ve found a workaround to that: use
headphones, and slightly unplug the jack so one channer redistributes over
the other, getting pseudo-stereo voice and almost getting rid of bgm music.
13:44 — Best line, ever.
This guy from third phase moon is full of shit. I have made many videos and
articles exposing them. I have researched everything from there fake
witnesses and made up foot ages. Everything they do is to make amature
videos to fool u. Don’t be fooled.
podiatric medicine that stumbled onto this phenomenon on accident. During
one routine surgery to remove something supposedly placed into someone’s
foot spawned into a whole new era of science. Dr. Leir alone has been able
to finally answer the question through true scientific analysis via these
implants. The top laboratories in the world have all concluded the same
thing: that these 16 objects removed
lol this guy is still on here
Good grief! The people doing the interviews are HORRIBLE! Are they trying
to sound like «interrupted professional robots?» Idk..they just sound young
and unintelligent! Can they not ask RELEVANT questions? They just stick to
basic questions. It is like a 3rd gradet asked to interview someone.
This documentary sucks dick. After 1:21 the supposed interview goes silent
and all you can hear is fucking music. What was the point of reuploading it
if the thing is the same as the other one? Fail.
Oh, by the way, I have no fucking clue how this video got 202 likes and
only 27 dislikes, seems like it should be the other way around.
This Blake Cousins is a MAJOR TOOL! The reason why people can’t take this
subject serious is because of wierdo’s like him.
wtf carnt hear it
music while he is talking is annoying.
I wish something horrible would happen to ThirdPhaseofMoon. It makes me
angry every time I click on a link and it turns out to be them. They’re
pretty good at making fake UFO videos. Its what their whole operation
depends on. They make fake UFO videos and sell ads on their YouTube page.
They have no interest in looking for the truth about UFOs or pursuing real
UFO Stories. They need to be lined up against a wall and anal probed with a
Especially the violent races of humanity like Africans with they’re civil
war and mexicans with the cartels Europe with the banking thieves and
Americans who pretty much try to back the banks and they’re corporations by
always having a war to provide demand for so many bullets and bandaids
selfish corrupt bastards. I’m so embarrassed to live here i hate humanity!
Very intelligent advanced beings from distant planets, yet puts their
implants on places where it is easily removed by doctors. smh.
Great guests but my god blake cousins is annoying as hell. The guy is a
moron! But the fact that we have physical proof of alien existence on earth
is awesome. Its too bad the sheeple of earth don’t care where they come
from or are going or even what they themselves are. People for the most
part are pathetic ignorant and incredibly self centered. I hope the
extraterrestrial beings wipe out at least 99.99% of human beings before the
worthless human race kills earth.
I despair for humanity when I hear a qualified doctor give credence to
people like Zaccharia Sitchin. I reckon if you look deep into his eyes
youll see implants with dollar signs on them.
This is total shit not documentary…
A lot of hating in the comments. I thought this was one of the best Dr.
Roger Leir interviews that I’ve heard.
Furthermore, having the voice on one channel only doesn’t help — it’s quite
annoyng actually. But fortunately I’ve found a workaround to that: use
headphones, and slightly unplug the jack so one channer redistributes over
the other, getting pseudo-stereo voice and almost getting rid of bgm music.
13:44 — Best line, ever.
This documentary sucks ass. The kid who interviews people tries too hard.
Cow and a sheep in a field. The Cow says moooooooove over. The Sheep say
Let’s see pictures not much mouth
‘Best Documentary of 2013?’ These retards from thirdphaseofmoon are so full
of crap.
any option to turn the music off?
this guy being interviewed is a boob.
Yes, my leg bone allows for enough antenna amplification for my implant to
communicate with a distant planet.
This guy from third phase moon is full of shit. I have made many videos and
articles exposing them. I have researched everything from there fake
witnesses and made up foot ages. Everything they do is to make amature
videos to fool u. Don’t be fooled.
podiatric medicine that stumbled onto this phenomenon on accident. During
one routine surgery to remove something supposedly placed into someone’s
foot spawned into a whole new era of science. Dr. Leir alone has been able
to finally answer the question through true scientific analysis via these
implants. The top laboratories in the world have all concluded the same
thing: that these 16 objects removed
Dislike how loud the background music is. Dislike background music period.
Other than that love the video.