UFO Sightings Breaking News Malaysia Flight 370 New Insight To March 24, 2014 Dr. J Speaks With Thirdphaseofmoon on Live Radio along With Callers into Live R…
Best-Of Compilation Video of UFO News Clips: https://ufoshock.com/ufos-reported-in-the-mainstream-media-news-clips-compilation-video.html FAIR USE NOTICE: The…
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Instead of replying to other comments posted whether for debate or thought,
I felt that maybe i should point out a few things that are not conspiracy,
but true in our present time documented by professionals in their field.
Lets start with the myth that GIANTS walked the earth many thousands of
years ago. The notion of that was as laughable as werewolf’s stalking
humans. But as of late, Archaeologist have recovered fully intact skeletal
remains of up to 36 foot giants all around the world. Even remains of
Cyclops existed during that era. This is a fantastic as well as a scary
time in the world. This is the age where myth, and fantasy meet reality.
These days more and more myths are revealed as truth. 30 years ago the idea
of cloning humans, animals, and creating hybrids to the public was pure sic
fi. Nowadays, mixing DNA’s from two different species to create a hybrid
has been done across the world in many countries. The new popular hybrid
that was successful, was the DNA mixing of a frog and a human which
produced a baby with bulging eyes like a frog, flattened dome shaped head
with a visible tissue revealing the brain. This appalling science is now
actual fact. What man can think of, Man can produce. It has been said that
we are 40 years ahead of our time. I say we are much much further than
that. Now lets get on the subject of UFO’s. Since the days of Cave men,
Egypt, and even present day, UFO sightings, and even interactions have been
documented. Now more than ever, UFO sightings have been recorded around the
world. Of course with new and improved CGI effects available to the public,
it makes it harder than ever to weed out the fact from fiction. But the
live sightings like the UFO that hovered over the Jerusalem temple mount
seen by thousands, and thousands of people from the Temple to those miles
away could not be excluded. No one in the science field could disclaim this
as a legitimate UFO. It’s also been reported many times of airports being
shutdown due to credible UFO sightings by pilots, and ground crews like the
Airport in O’Hare where pilots, and ground crews reported a stationary UFO
hovering over the landing strip in 2006. Mechanics reported that the object
was of a solid nature, and could not be detected by radar. Minutes later
the UFO flew upwards leaving a large circular hole formation in the clouds
revealing blue skies. Airports in China many times have been shut down for
the same reason since the O’Hare incident. My point is, their are things
that exist beyond our understanding because we are told they’re fantasy,
and fictional science, but as time goes by more and more of the absurd is
now truth. These days we must broaden our horizons, and search for the
truth, and not let anyone convince us otherwise. We live in a time of
deception and false truths. We are on the brink of full disclosure for
better or worse. We must embrace the impossible for possibly being
possible. lol. More than likely the facts will be to our understanding in
regards to flight 370, but we must look at it from all angles. Let the
truth be known. Peace and God bless.
Just keep your eyes above and below simultaneously with an open mind, if
you want to see some weird shit. Or just close it like you don’t give a
fuck until Jesus comes. Choose one.
The only viable explanation for this plane going missing in such unusual
circumstances, is that it was shot down, lots of posters have given various
reasons for this, but I think it was hit by a missile, launched by accident
during a drill, and it is all being hushed up.
They found the plane a few hours ago in the indian ocean. A mystery solved.
People should masterbate around the area where these strange disappearance
happen and I’m sure they will go away.
UFO Sightings Breaking News Malaysia Flight 370 New Insight To March 24,
2014 Dr. J Speaks With Thirdphaseofmoon on Live Radio along With Callers
into Live Radio
Show! Really
?? Is this how you want to get more views
You Fucking piece of shit . People died on that plane and you try grab
extra views with a title like that . I always knew your videos are just
fake shit . But now I want to punch your fucked up face in . Think about
what you are doing you fucking dog
haiiiii… are u creazy… i belive ufo its real.. but u opinion about UFO
kill all peolpe in flight 370.. i things thats no true.. because in my
country indonesia, some guy looking this airpline in the sky (sumatera
island).. so many many people say.. this airplane down because teroristt
atack.. this terorist bring the airplane to some area like mountain.. not
sea.. n kills all people..so dont give u opinion like that..
They got picked up by the Ashtar Command Crew. Yes they have been taken to
hollow earth, and the mothership. I have proof. :-)
While you are being distracted by everything irrelevant to the purpose of
human life on this planet which is to become one with the creator, becoming
Gods and co-creating Heaven on Earth…the ancient secrets of exactly how
to do this in this lifetime are being revealed on my channel. For those
meant to achieve this and save the planet I salute you. For those with an
open mind and heart who are curious and may join this massive army of
light/God I salute you! Immortality, limitless joy, love and peace await
you! Enjoy. All those with closed minds and doubt and fear need not reply
or even look at my channel. Thank you.
If this airplane Malaysia «FLIGHT 370» Uuuuummm, it disapeared??? HOW DID
cell phone maybe? But just saying… :-/
I find this really funny that people believe there was a UFO that did
something to the airplane, you have to be very uneducated in order to
believe but you can still have an opinion even if it is obsurd.
Their never going to find it cause it never touched the ocean….if it
would of gone down in the ocean we would of been able to see miles of
debree. Never happend …complete cover up…do your own investigation dont
belive the media or our goverment step out of the box and open your eyes.
And ears …we need to know the real truth not kid stories trix are for
kids !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know that there are many options here as to what actually occurred.
Boeing could have been involved , or perhaps employees leaking information,
such as technical details to operating systems and what not. Corruption
can run on any level.
Bermuda Triangle, every time a boat or plane goes there, the connection is
lost. Loved ones call their friends and families phones (the ones who were
on the plane) and it rings. It continues to ring. If they crashed in the
ocean, it wouldn’t ring, but go straight to voice mail. They could be lost
on an Island waiting for someone to find them. No one can get the
connection, and no one dares to go there.
i believe a ufo took the airplane and theirs a big cover up because they
don’t wanna cause a nation wide panic of course they know what happened
they might put a duplicate plane kata on to say that they found it but that
plane was taken by UFO this is happening now right before our eyes and no
one can do anything bout it sucks
There was no ping,from flight 370,is a hoax,the plane was not highjack,or
terrorist,I am a remote viewer,what, I saw was that flight 370 ,it was
guide into a portal,and sent to a 15 mile round mothership,flight 370,it is
still there,the reason why the plane was taken,there was a Bio Chemical
Nuclear bomb,in the belly of flight 370,it was suppose too,ignite in
Beiging,China,taxi at terminal,and to start WWIII,the commander of the
mothership and its people saw these and remove treat,these entities blue
race with golden hair,was involve in rescuing the plane,all of the
passengers and crew are still alive,and are in good health,we are
contactees,self highly trained and highly skillsful in remote viewing,we
belong to the,secret society the group.We are involve intersteall
communication with many races thru out the univers,was granted to tell the
truth,The Andromeda Council,and The Arcturian Council,was involve in the
decision,the media do not have nothing,and they will find anything they
will lie to the world,and keep you in the dark,keep your faith,stay in the
light,and believe in God,and the lght masters,and stay positive,and stay in
a circle of love.
EXCERPT from Keith Ledgerwood ? Did Malaysian Airlines 370 disappear using
SIA68/SQ68 (another 777)?
As the search for missing flight Malaysian Airlines flight 370 drags on
into the 10th day, so many questions continue to remain unanswered about
how and why the airliner could have disappeared while seemingly under the
control of a skilled pilot intent on making it invisible. With satellite
pings showing where the plane could be after more than seven hours of
flight, speculation has arisen that the plane could be on the ground
anywhere along a path from northern Thailand to the border of Kazakhstan
and Turkmenistan.
The major roadblock to this theory has been the insistence from India and
Pakistan that their radar network showed no such unidentified aircraft
entering or traversing their airspace. It would seem highly unlikely given
such information that a Boeing 777 could indeed slip through undetected.
As a hobby pilot and aviation enthusiast, a theory began to form in my own
mind on this 10th day as all of the latest information began to trickle in
slowly through media outlets globally. After being unable to escape the
idea that it may have happened, I began to do some analysis and research
and what I discovered was very troubling to me!
Starting with a set of facts that have been made available publically and
verified over the past few days, I first plotted MH370’s course onto an
aviation IFR map which shows the airways and waypoints used to navigate the
skies. I plotted the point where it stopped transmitting ADS-B information
at 1721UTC. I then plotted the Malaysian military radar track from that
point towards “VAMPI”, “GIVAL”, and then onward toward “IGREX” on P628
ending with where the plane should be at 1815UTC when military radar lost
I investigated further and plotted the exact coordinates of Singapore
Airlines flight number 68’s location at 1815UTC onto the aviation map. I
quickly realized that SIA68 was in the immediate vicinity as the missing
MH370 flight at precisely the same time. Moreover, SIA68 was en-route on a
heading towards the same IGREX waypoint on airway P628 that the Malaysian
military radar had shown MH370 headed towards at precisely the same time.
It became apparent as I inspected SIA68’s flight path history that MH370
had maneuvered itself directly behind SIA68 at approximately 18:00UTC and
over the next 15 minutes had been following SIA68. All the pieces of my
theory had been fitting together with the facts that have been publically
released and I began to feel a little uneasy.
Singapore Airlines Flight 68 proceeded across the Andaman Sea into the Bay
of Bengal and finally into India’s airspace. From there it appears to have
proceeded across India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and finally Turkmenistan
before proceeding onward across Europe to its final destination of
Barcelona, Spain.
This map depicts the approximate flight path of SIA flight 68 on that
particular day. Additional detail will be required from each countries
aviation authorities to establish exact particulars of the route.
So by now, you may have caught on or you may be scratching your head and
wondering if I’ve gone insane! How does SIA68 have anything to do with
MH370 disappearing? Remember the one challenge that is currently making
everyone doubt that MH370 actually flew to Turkmenistan, Iran, China, or
Kyrgyzstan? That challenge is the thought that MH370 couldn’t make it
through several key airspaces such as India or Afghanistan without being
detected by the military.
It is my belief that MH370 likely flew in the shadow of SIA68 through India
and Afghanistan airspace. As MH370 was flying “dark” without transponder /
ADS-B output, SIA68 would have had no knowledge that MH370 was anywhere
around and as it entered Indian airspace, it would have shown up as one
single blip on the radar with only the transponder information of SIA68
lighting up ATC and military radar screens.
Wouldn’t the SIA68 flight have detected MH370? NO! The Boeing 777 utilizes
a TCAS system for traffic avoidance; the system would ordinarily provide
alerts and visualization to pilots if another airplane was too close.
However that system only operates by receiving the transponder information
from other planes and displaying it for the pilot. If MH370 was flying
without the transponder, it would have been invisible to SIA68.
In addition, the TCAS system onboard MH370 would have enabled the pilot(s)
to easily locate and approach SIA68 over the Straits of Malacca as they
appeared to have done. The system would have shown them the flight’s
direction of travel and the altitude it was traveling which would have
enabled them to perfectly time an intercept right behind the other Boeing
777. Here is a picture of a TCAS system onboard a 777.
How does this solve the mystery???
We know MH370 didn’t fly to Spain! Once MH370 had cleared the volatile
airspaces and was safe from being detected by military radar sites in
India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan it would have been free to break off from
the shadow of SIA68 and could have then flown a path to it’s final landing
site. There are several locations along the flight path of SIA68 where it
could have easily broken contact and flown and landed in Xingjian province,
Kyrgyzstan, or Turkmenistan. Each of these final locations would match up
almost perfectly with the 7.5 hours of total flight time and trailing
SIA68. In addition, these locations are all possibilities that are on the
“ARC” and fit with the data provided by Inmarsat from the SATCOM’s last
known ping at 01:11UTC.
There are too many oddities in this whole story that don’t make sense if
this theory isn’t the answer in my opinion. Why did MH370 fly a seemingly
haphazard route and suddenly start heading northwest towards the Andaman
Islands on P628? If not for this reason, it seems like a rather odd
maneuver. The timing and evasive actions seem deliberate. Someone went
through great lengths to attempt to become stealthy and disable ACARS,
transponder/ADS-B (even though SATCOM to Inmarsat was left powered).
After looking at all the details, it is my opinion that MH370 snuck out of
the Bay of Bengal using SIA68 as the perfect cover. It entered radar
coverage already in the radar shadow of the other 777, stayed there
throughout coverage, and then exited SIA68’s shadow and then most likely
landed in one of several land locations north of India and Afghanistan.
I hope it’s not about ufos.
We the human race have to be very nieve to think we are the only species in
the universe don’t you think.
There is nothing but greed involved with 370.
4 days after that flight goes ‘ missing ‘, patents owned by 2 of the
passengers gets lodged by their employer who happens to be at the end of
the day after you research who’s who of the who’s who. Rothschild’s are
behind these passengers employers.
The patents worth billions because of the very high tech nature of the
patents. These 2 passengers had in their hands the very future tech of the
globe. Tech capable of identifying all stealth craft, UFO, alien,
terrestrial or USO. Radar capable of these abilities is going to be worth
killing anyone any amount of people for. And to beings whom consider
themselves so high above all else on the planet, we’re talking
of beings who consider the average human-being to nothing more than a cow,
MOO ‘FN’ MOO damn bunch of sissies hiding behind women and children at the
end of the day whilst they slaughter our children they beg for mercy upon
their own.
I’ve never felt so disgusted in the behaviour of the species supposed to be
worth something.
20 employees of the same company. 20 families torn apart for a few lousy
dollars. If it turned out to be any different at the end of any day I would
be more than interested in testing those findings to the logical and
obvious outcomes.
If this footage was real, how comes none of the other passengers are
standing up or at least looking to see what that is in amazement?…
Americans always have an excuse yet the sightings are over their continent
mainly. Too many arms. if the UFO’s are gonna bring a nation down it will
be 1st the USA Then Britain then all the Commonwealth.
They are telling us to «DISARM» Listen to the signs
at 6.47 we have a total wanker.
Look its the Jetsons!
The two scariest things were the Fox News Anchor at 2:30 reporting on the
lights in Jerusalem and asking «is He back?», and of course, Glenn Beck,
later in the video, which was far, far scarier…..
I bet aliens are intentually targeting people with shit cameras.
internet is to blame. now u can «testify» from all over the world
Remember that most UFO’s are our advanced technologies that are hidden from
the public. We live in two worlds, Our current world and the very advanced
secrete world only the globalist live
2 Corinthians 11:14 — «And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an
angel of light.»
and this is what happends when the news runs out of news..
These beings are probably falling angels …. the same beings that
possessed Mohammed
1:09 those looked like 2 hot air ballons to me
according to jesus go fuck a hooker
some of it is an increase in… Chinese lanterns…illuminated RC
toys…night sky divers..outright special effects computer hoaxes… but
about 10 o/o can’t be explained. weird stuff…Jesus IS Lord…
i was just wanna ask one question if there is so many new sighting’s and
there increasing supposedly, y if all this old footage?
omg cleveland accually reads the news in cleveland!!
I’m in telecommunications and no of these technologies
The Mexican Airforce stuff is from years ago. 😛 Why did you say it’s from
Feb 16? You can watch that same Fox News video from forever ago.
Star-gates, wormholes, and time travel also really do exist, we posses the
technology to move objects into the past and into the future, some of you
remember the watch that was found back in the 1800’sm looks like the watch
of our times as one of many examples
Queen’s Calling?
Your dates are all wrong even though you got real videos. The Mexican Air
Force news footage is from 2006 and the Jerusalem UFO actually happened in
January of 2011. Good clip, but you should do your research a little better
so that inaccurate information doesn’t distract from the truth that you are
trying to convey. Good job though 🙂
Luke 21:25 — “There will be signs in the sun, moon and STARS.» Genesis 6 —
«When human beings began to increase in number on the earth and daughters
were born to them, THE SONS OF GOD saw that the daughters of humans were
beautiful, and they married any of them they chose.» 2 Thessalonians
2:11-12 — «And for this cause God shall send them STRONG DELUSION, that
they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not
the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.»
However, real aliens also do exist
If it was anything other than fox news reporting on this then I may have
give a fuck