UFO Sightings «Humanoid Alien?» New Full Length Documentary Dr Steven Greer Explains 2013 Watch Now!

Exclusive Interview May 31 2013 Dr. Greer, the man behind the disclosure project in 2000, but more famously of Sirius Disclosure joins Blake Cousins in this …

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UFO Sightings «Humanoid Alien?» New Full Length Documentary Dr Steven Greer Explains 2013 Watch Now!: 25 комментариев

  1. genetic evidence of the Atacama skeleton indicated that it was a human
    child skeleton, only a few decades old, and the mother was most probably
    «an indigenous woman from the Chilean region of South America

  2. & for now they’ve been trying to get people to realize that they are really
    out there! & just like everything else all the beings in the light are good
    & the 1s in the dark are bad! Its good vs. Evil no matter what but after
    the evil 1s have fully been cleaned up we will meet them as our Allies!
    Love is the Ultimate power! Except it in your hearts every1! Becayae It is
    your path to the Light! & its gonna be super awsome! & evil will not get
    there way! the greater good is always the winner!

  3. Just «paid for two tickets» happily for you idiots who think the film
    should be free. These type of forums remind me of my decade in
    pro-baseball. No talent never-wus mf’ers come and are disrespectful just
    like 90% of you retards of facebook. Loved the film and again paid for it!

  4. I wonder if Dr Greer knew that this channel contained 90% of complete utter
    shit? because no way would someone like him would want to associate himself
    with the piece of shit that is Blake the Fake.

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