Many UFO reports all over Carolina Including Crop Circles = Source =…
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Breaking News UFO Sightings Controversial Video!! New Abductee Footage! Footage Submitted To Thirdphaseomfoon from «Ed» Is This The Real Deal? Ed Claims He S…
Also when I was home in the backyard I was watching the clouds I saw a hat
shaped thing flying coming out the try then hiding then flyers away
UFO Sightings Up & Down California Mass Scale Eve…:
I recorded those lights on new years too, check it out here
I remember I was with my dad and my sister we came back from a resturant
and we saw light blue green purple red in one spot in the sky
I saw these orange lights in Newman CA on New Years Eve, one of them came
down close to the ground & started flashing different colors, it was
bizzarre i’ll never forget that night.
I saw these lights in vista, ca in san diego, CA last year.
Who is this news anchorman… a game show host? These three are a bit
Errrr…what TV station is this? There’s no station logo or call letters
Id say most of the sightings were Chinese lanterns.
My wife and I witnesses something really out of the ordinary, in broad
daylight on Thursday May 5th 2011. We had just moved From Brisbane to a
mining town in Central Queensland, Australia. We were traveling from
Ipswich hospital, which is not too far from Brisbane. The morning was foggy
and damp, but as we drove about 300kilometers it cleared to a beautiful
sunny day. After passing Dalby we witnessed a strange craft flying across
the road, left to right in front of us. It was quite close. I estimate
about 500 meters above and about the same in front. The craft had no wings
and was not like anything I have ever seen before. It appeared to be
landing.It was a beautiful light green shimmering, shiny colour. It had a
whitish vapor trail behind it. It wasn’t visible for more than a minute
because of tall gum trees on both sides of the road.(we were driving
through dense bushland) We were both in shock and didn’t speak of our
experience for a few minutes to each other. We don’t know what it was to
this day.
I have believed in UFO’s since seeing an Unidentified Flying Object for my
self, since then. My wife and I are ordinary, sane people, with nothing to
gain by making a false statement. I hope all is revealed in my lifetime.Ps
another motorist also saw the same object.
More and More Local News Stations are airing reports of UFO’s hovering over
major cities.
The’re fuckin Chinese lanterns.
Seen same thing at Croatia with thousands of people seeing same thing, also
reports from nearby airport said they had weird readings at radar.
drones with lights
— why would a UFO want to make itself visible with flashing lights
— there’s a moron born every minute.
Yes for sure, to many sightings. you cant hide the truth forever. a person
can just feel the changes coming. there is to many credible witnesses.
Sorry to disappoint, but I experienced seeing them myself. At first I was
quite shocked and unsure of what I was seeing until I got a closer look. In
succession they flew up, paper lanterns that my neighbors were lighting
into the sky. For reference as to why; in China and Japan it is common for
the new year to write down a wish and to let it burn. Some go to temples,
shrines and some will light lanterns at home or festivals. I had hoped in
the back of my mind that maybe I would experience the phenomenon of a UFO,
but that was not so.
I live here in fl and we see these orbs all the time.
«speed increasing all control is in the hands of those who know. Will they
help us grow. To one day be star riders? Star rider…take me to the
stars…Star rider…Show me where you
New Year Lanterns.
maybe some aliens like fireworks
It was not only going around in one country…
UFO, New Years, Sighting Strange Red Light, South Africa, Cape Town,
January 01, 2014, 2:59 AM
I’m pissed off with lights hovering. I want some shocking footage that
makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up. All these sightings is
the same old shit. I’m fucking sick to death with it!
When the jew controlled media starts covering UFOs.. something is going on.
As always with these zionist cockroaches, whatever they are up to, it isn’t
going to be anything good. Are they preparing the sheeple for an alien
false flag attack??? Another event for them to make us safer by taking
away more rights and stealing more wealth??
Is this the real deal…? We at Thirdphaseofmoon hope so…
I’ll tell you what I think. I think you guys need to decide whether you
want to be taken seriously or if you are just aiming for youtube views.
I’ve seen great footage, I’ve considered to be genuine, you guys have
posted, but this is ridiculous. And please don’t reply that you post
anything you think is interesting, because this just isn’t. Sorry to be so
crass, but you kinda have an opportunity to make a difference because you
get as many views as you do. There is plenty of genuine footage because
UFO’s are out there, in my belief. I can’t subscribe to you guys until you
ixnay the BS.
The sky fish scooting around are interested in something…
lol faker then michael jackson nose
If it real, it may be made by us, black ops programs. Looks like a modern
Haunabu, that is supposedly what the Germans were working on during WWII
It looks pretty real to me. Gave me goosebumps when I first saw it
spinning. The naysayers will come up with all sorts of ideas to debunk it
but I’ve read about ships like these and this one appears to be a new model.
It’s quite breathtaking to look at. Thanks for this Ed and the guys at
I see a lot of shaky and blurry zooming in- and out.
If anyone video taped a UFO they would leave the whole video running, I
find it amazing that everyone gets these small clips and never any long
length videos. I want to see why he was filming to begin with and how the
tape started and ended, of course he cut the video to 40 seconds because
then we would all see how foolish this really is. lol
if a lot of videos of UFOs are fuzzy the video is probably fake….
Now everybody have phones with hd camera, why videos about ufo are always
bad quality?
I just fucked my dog and sacrificed my cat. The human race is doomed! This
shit is so real…go fuck an alien.
The only true UFO videos out there are videos from pilots and army, and
testimonies from high ranked military. Those can’t be faked, but 99.99%
videos are fake, and this is another fake piece of shit.
imho.3rdphase shuld disable comments and rates..
cuz most of humanity is STUPID IDIOTIC MORONS…PERIOD.
Casserole ??
More CGI bullshit.
Nice close up shot … why don’t they do that for me? I keep looking up and
watching .. but never see anything significant
Can’t believe this one
ThirdPhaseOfMoon is quickly becoming a total joke.I’m not skeptical about
life other than that of earth,but putting out every pic.or vid. without any
discrimination of its authenticity is only diluting the potentially real
deal.Ive looked at so called evidence that seems obviously fake on 3rd
phase. It is getting old fast.
Whether its real or fake but it replicates the ancient flying object
‘vimanas’ or ‘stupas’..
Call the white house, maybe B.O will save us
Ah c’mon, Obama. We know you stole the Nazi UFO blueprints, we get it now.
Just stop having it top secret.
i don`t see it brent,you were hoaxing a video of aliens like every other
week and you got some bugs in the background what, else is new at third
phase of loons