Hello, my name is Ripler. I’m from the realm Emerald Dream. Thursday the 13th of September 2012 was just an ordinary day in WOW where I along with a good friend spent time grinding reputation…
Just an update, I saw this again whilst grinding the dalies, Spoke of this
many time in chats with guildies etc and we came up with a very possible
solution. Back in CaT or maybe even WoTlK they introduced little kungfu
pandas then all of a sudden MoP expansion. This could be a sort of blizzard
leak to introduce a possible Titans expansion. who knows but 2 times now
ive seen this UFO in game. whats everyones thoughts on this?
I saw this last night in MoP, I was killing tigers and just hapened to pan
my cam up and there it was. I told my mate and he said I think its time we
logged off due to it being around 2.30am. we laughed but I was sure on what
I saw. We both have been searching google on this but nothing came up til
my mate found this vid. Thanks for the upload buddy, I can now say Im not
seeing things.
Avenger’s Sheild glitch.
i want to believe
Just an update, I saw this again whilst grinding the dalies, Spoke of this
many time in chats with guildies etc and we came up with a very possible
solution. Back in CaT or maybe even WoTlK they introduced little kungfu
pandas then all of a sudden MoP expansion. This could be a sort of blizzard
leak to introduce a possible Titans expansion. who knows but 2 times now
ive seen this UFO in game. whats everyones thoughts on this?
i saw it today
I saw this last night in MoP, I was killing tigers and just hapened to pan
my cam up and there it was. I told my mate and he said I think its time we
logged off due to it being around 2.30am. we laughed but I was sure on what
I saw. We both have been searching google on this but nothing came up til
my mate found this vid. Thanks for the upload buddy, I can now say Im not
seeing things.
World Of WarUfo
It is a bugged out avengers sheild it happens quite often
i just saw this several times the other day, in zul’drak and in OK, i play
on emerald dream US. i ask people if they see it to, and they say no. lol