UFO Year End Special #3. (The Best Strange Sounds Of 2014) Other Mister Enigma videos: UFO Year End Special #2. (The Best Space UFOs Of 2014) https://www.you… Video Rating: 4 / 5
UFO Year End Special #3. (The Best Strange Sounds Of 2014): 16 комментариев
Utterly fascinating. Seems theses sound waves are predominantly in the
northern regions of the United States. I’m baffled as to what has the
energy to generate such a low frequency sound wave like that. Again, great
work and thank you for posting.
+Baldmaxx Commented a day ago and he said that this is all happening in
the northern regions of the U.S and I have to agree with him. Idk if anyone
has heard about H.A.A.R.P which I am personally assuming that is what these
sounds are coming from. IF anyone gets a chance just Youtube Search
They even had a show featuring Jessy Ventura «Conspiracy Therory’s» where
they went up there to try and get a tour or the building and area and it’s
So Secure there it’s almost like trying to get into Area 51, Yet there is
no signs saying you can’t go through. That’s what’s strange to me.
In response to the comet questions, from another you tuber’s vid, I tend to
agree with them that this comet is being mined by someone…..the signal that
we hear is just a homing device so they can find it when they have to come
back to do mining operations…..the theory is that comets carry «rare» earth
which is the key to free energy…..hard to say of course, but I do like the
idea that the comet is being mined….if the pictures are legit of the comet
it sure does look like something is going on there….the you tuber is
nikolateslasghost and he has a series of photo analysis of the comet taken
by ESA…now, of course, the counter theory to all this is the comet landing
is a hoax and these are actually pictures of some remote mountain top on
Earth that is being mined that are photo cropped to look like its a comet
or large asteroid…..either way, the point is, I suppose is that we are not
being told the truth.
Utterly fascinating. Seems theses sound waves are predominantly in the
northern regions of the United States. I’m baffled as to what has the
energy to generate such a low frequency sound wave like that. Again, great
work and thank you for posting.
+Baldmaxx Commented a day ago and he said that this is all happening in
the northern regions of the U.S and I have to agree with him. Idk if anyone
has heard about H.A.A.R.P which I am personally assuming that is what these
sounds are coming from. IF anyone gets a chance just Youtube Search
They even had a show featuring Jessy Ventura «Conspiracy Therory’s» where
they went up there to try and get a tour or the building and area and it’s
So Secure there it’s almost like trying to get into Area 51, Yet there is
no signs saying you can’t go through. That’s what’s strange to me.
In response to the comet questions, from another you tuber’s vid, I tend to
agree with them that this comet is being mined by someone…..the signal that
we hear is just a homing device so they can find it when they have to come
back to do mining operations…..the theory is that comets carry «rare» earth
which is the key to free energy…..hard to say of course, but I do like the
idea that the comet is being mined….if the pictures are legit of the comet
it sure does look like something is going on there….the you tuber is
nikolateslasghost and he has a series of photo analysis of the comet taken
by ESA…now, of course, the counter theory to all this is the comet landing
is a hoax and these are actually pictures of some remote mountain top on
Earth that is being mined that are photo cropped to look like its a comet
or large asteroid…..either way, the point is, I suppose is that we are not
being told the truth.
The Gods are Angry
Awesome upload as always!
I would love to hear this and get it on video! What the heck is it?
I don’t like whatever it is! It seems creepy 🙁
I wonder if we speeded it up we’d hear voices. (No joke, I know this stuff
is serious).
Its HAARP they heat up the sky
UFO Year End Special #3. (The Best Strange Sounds…:
WTF?????? scary
Wow amazing
I can’t help but think the last sound video is that of a living creature.
spooky shit lol