I must admit the strategy of dissinformation and manipulation modern elites
use to force compliance is a masterpiece. Especially that diabolic notion
of using own beliefs against s.c. opposition. It makes me wonder when «not
as radical as they think» people from all offshoots of new age religion
realise they’ve been dooped by this very precisely and detailed show you’re
watching now as truth and facts…. Barely few noticed that most
interesting and «undeniable» evidence comes from military…ex military…
Write me if you see this trick too…
Then why don’t the aliens make their presence known instead of stealthing
around in secret, abducting in the middle of the night, wiping out
memories, etc…..? Is it that they have decided to play along with our
governments? You see, the aliens cannot be much different than our
governments as they don’t want the masses of people to know either, in
which case, we are all screwed.
Our Moon is a hollow ‘Mother Ship’. The creatures there have been there for
Eons. There are no interstellar ‘visitors’. It’s all local. My guess is
there have been many ‘Civilizations’ between the Earth-Moon-Mars system in
the 4.7 billion years of our solar system’s existence.
Every »true story» or piece of evidence given here is incredibly
inconsistent. Tall aliens, short aliens, glowing, ghostlike, grey skinned,
black eyes, blue eyes, hair, no hair, hybrids, they levitate, they don’t
levitate, they communicate mentally, they take probes and abduct… Their
aircraft being balls of fire/light, circular, triangular, octogon,
boomerang, pyramid shape… Seems like every new sighting is something
different — almost nothing at all like the previous one. Why would some of
them abduct and conduct tests to some humans and communicate with others?
Also the government has interest in keeping all of this a secret? If the
government didn’t want us to »find out» this movie would never have come
out. The government has everything to gain from spreading these stories.
It’s an embarrassment and a waste of time to still be pursuing this
UFOLOGY-The second largest religious cult ,Islam being #1. The members are
stupid fucks have very little education and the ones who do are the ones
making money off the stupid ones.
I hope there is intelligent life in the universe or other dimensions. After
having read thousands of comments on YouTube videos it becomes painfully
obvious that there is very little intelligent life on planet earth. If we
are the only intelligence in the universe, then the universe is sort of
disappointing and not living up to its’ full potential.
This is all crap! We do not exist. And if you still want to believe in
that, could you kindly stop calling us aliens? It’s like «nigger» for
Africans… Call us something like Outerspecians or Jupiterian Americans,
or maybe even Shloopies
To be fair, I don’t want to meet the boring twats either. ‘Shall we show
the Earthlings, time travel, interstellar travel? Shall we show them the
insides of our supper-dupper planet hoppers, or take them to see the
huge-titted whores of alpha duplicon or the weed and ecstacy fields of
betaroople? Nah, let’s fuck about flashing on and off, dead fast, and we
may as well core a few cow’s arses whilst we’re there’ Yup, sound a right
laugh, stay where you are, you miserable bastards!
One would have to be INCREDIBLY naive to think we are ‘it’: the know all,
be all of EVERY universe. Don’t you think the militaries of our world would
be ALL OVER an indigenous intruder? No, it’s that these beings are MORE
advanced and interfering with their (alien) excursions would be a threat to
public safety. Our higher-ups know to play dumb and bow out of chasing
these vehicles.
SETI is a monumental waste of time and money… Even if an alien technology
would transmit radio signals, it would take at least a thousand maybe two
thousand years to even reach us… So unless SETI is around for that long,
they will NEVER get anything on those antena
Any psychologist will tell you that there can be nothing but «full»
disclosure for it to be effective. Even Tiger Woods X wife shrink said it
on such a seemingly different case. «She is entitled to know everything
she needs to know, including how many strokes he took to orgasm if she
deems that information necessary.» Why is it the ones «caught» always
try to decide how much they will tell? This is probably one of the
things the aliens would like to see us change.
«Oh, I don’t need to know that information.» Only a fool, only a fool
would proclaim such a thing.
I must admit the strategy of dissinformation and manipulation modern elites
use to force compliance is a masterpiece. Especially that diabolic notion
of using own beliefs against s.c. opposition. It makes me wonder when «not
as radical as they think» people from all offshoots of new age religion
realise they’ve been dooped by this very precisely and detailed show you’re
watching now as truth and facts…. Barely few noticed that most
interesting and «undeniable» evidence comes from military…ex military…
Write me if you see this trick too…
Then why don’t the aliens make their presence known instead of stealthing
around in secret, abducting in the middle of the night, wiping out
memories, etc…..? Is it that they have decided to play along with our
governments? You see, the aliens cannot be much different than our
governments as they don’t want the masses of people to know either, in
which case, we are all screwed.
Our Moon is a hollow ‘Mother Ship’. The creatures there have been there for
Eons. There are no interstellar ‘visitors’. It’s all local. My guess is
there have been many ‘Civilizations’ between the Earth-Moon-Mars system in
the 4.7 billion years of our solar system’s existence.
Every »true story» or piece of evidence given here is incredibly
inconsistent. Tall aliens, short aliens, glowing, ghostlike, grey skinned,
black eyes, blue eyes, hair, no hair, hybrids, they levitate, they don’t
levitate, they communicate mentally, they take probes and abduct… Their
aircraft being balls of fire/light, circular, triangular, octogon,
boomerang, pyramid shape… Seems like every new sighting is something
different — almost nothing at all like the previous one. Why would some of
them abduct and conduct tests to some humans and communicate with others?
Also the government has interest in keeping all of this a secret? If the
government didn’t want us to »find out» this movie would never have come
out. The government has everything to gain from spreading these stories.
It’s an embarrassment and a waste of time to still be pursuing this
UFOLOGY-The second largest religious cult ,Islam being #1. The members are
stupid fucks have very little education and the ones who do are the ones
making money off the stupid ones.
The ‘Aliens’ are real, they’re just closer than you’d think.
Good video I enjoyed it
I hope there is intelligent life in the universe or other dimensions. After
having read thousands of comments on YouTube videos it becomes painfully
obvious that there is very little intelligent life on planet earth. If we
are the only intelligence in the universe, then the universe is sort of
disappointing and not living up to its’ full potential.
why tell us now?
This is all crap! We do not exist. And if you still want to believe in
that, could you kindly stop calling us aliens? It’s like «nigger» for
Africans… Call us something like Outerspecians or Jupiterian Americans,
or maybe even Shloopies
I really appreciated the opening statement. it sets the stage on how
limited our thinking is as a species.
this is one of the best UFO documentary i have seen here. thanks
errr, I’m thinking, I’m thinking…yeah my synapses are twitching faster
than light 1/0. Quantum entanglement …searching…homing in no time at
adults who believe in aliens should be embarrassed
To be fair, I don’t want to meet the boring twats either. ‘Shall we show
the Earthlings, time travel, interstellar travel? Shall we show them the
insides of our supper-dupper planet hoppers, or take them to see the
huge-titted whores of alpha duplicon or the weed and ecstacy fields of
betaroople? Nah, let’s fuck about flashing on and off, dead fast, and we
may as well core a few cow’s arses whilst we’re there’ Yup, sound a right
laugh, stay where you are, you miserable bastards!
One would have to be INCREDIBLY naive to think we are ‘it’: the know all,
be all of EVERY universe. Don’t you think the militaries of our world would
be ALL OVER an indigenous intruder? No, it’s that these beings are MORE
advanced and interfering with their (alien) excursions would be a threat to
public safety. Our higher-ups know to play dumb and bow out of chasing
these vehicles.
Look up Bob Lazar——John Lear
and reverse engineering
SETI is a monumental waste of time and money… Even if an alien technology
would transmit radio signals, it would take at least a thousand maybe two
thousand years to even reach us… So unless SETI is around for that long,
they will NEVER get anything on those antena
i have an alien that lives in my asshole,,
16:50 He´s so awesome xD
How drunk is he??? xD xD xD
@38:07+ «These men were ‘de-briefed’ » Does that mean they were stripped
of their underpants? — No wonder he found it upsetting.
Why the fuck would anyone shoot down a UFO? Are you out of your mind? That
pisses me off beyond belief. Neanderthals. Absolutely embarrassing.
Any psychologist will tell you that there can be nothing but «full»
disclosure for it to be effective. Even Tiger Woods X wife shrink said it
on such a seemingly different case. «She is entitled to know everything
she needs to know, including how many strokes he took to orgasm if she
deems that information necessary.» Why is it the ones «caught» always
try to decide how much they will tell? This is probably one of the
things the aliens would like to see us change.
«Oh, I don’t need to know that information.» Only a fool, only a fool
would proclaim such a thing.
Probably the best documentary on this subject I’ve ever seen.. Everyone in
the world should see it
The true will come out. And it will be a foax