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UFO, Alien, Best UFO Lecture By Alexander Collier, Alien Base on Moon and Mars, 58 Races, Breed, Alien Bases on Earth, Secret Space Conspiracy Book — YouTu…
It is the world’s Pussy
It looks eerily artificial. The dome covering the entrance looks like metal
painted black. Also, i find the ice unterneath the entrance interesting.
Looks like it has melted and refrozen, or that it is made of condensated
water dripping from the dome/entrance. This would indicate that the cave
has a noticeably higher temperature than its surroundings.
Its the earths ass hole
That’s awesome and weird…
-66.296444,100.668397 ^^
they named it «Rabbits Hole.»
Its ice working its way down a mountain face, optical illusion
who in the world searches Google Earth to find things like this.
I was there on a Kindergarten field trip and it was amazing! Second biggest
Vagina ive ever seen!
very cool
it is lake
i guess there some few massvice hall which by nature not even by aliens
Thanks mate 🙂
Merci mon ami 🙂
jjajaa lol
Not our creators. Read Admiral Byrd’s Diary.
why do i watch stupid videos?
Right above that Hatchway there is another openning. Take a look. Lat =
66°33’11.78″S Long = 99°50’21.74″E
One of many. Agarta is real 🙂
interesting, look how smooth that round looking rock is———— could it
be a cap for the entrance? interesting indeed
Find something more interesting to write.
its alot harder in the back…
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have a great day!
ah adds not going to bother see ya
Interesting but more interesting is where is Mr Colier now? I think some of
what he said is real but equally some is conjecture.
At 4 I was sick for three days while information was filed away in my head.
They would speed up both streams of data until I would start to shut down,
and then set a manageable speed. I was cut on every night growing up, and
have physical branding and psychic abilities. Both tracking tags worked
there way out after 12 years. I have had a few more dimensional transfers,
but after telling them I was done it was more like accidental. I actually
saw the craft one night. If you are depressed and never want to sleep. Be
strong, and remember you are dealing with soulless, heartless, repetitive
living nightmare, time bending organic robots that will only teach you to
become like them. I turned out pretty good. I can even tell you the secret
of life!
this guy is fuckin re-tar-tar
You should commit suicide for your hale bopness.
a crock of shit, new York is still there and California. false prophecy it
2014 dude and were still here thriving….
This guy is as crazy as a shithouse rat.
Hello, i just wonder if everything on your Chanel is true? Please tell me
the truth because i never belive in this.
Alex collier is very charming however everything that he says is
bullshit dis info still it better than working for a living if nobody
knows where he is for the last six months dont worry he is with the aliens
writing a book
ALEX YOUR THE MAN…..THE TRUTH ROCKS… Love and Light,,,stillwind truth
He’s says we have been lead to believe that gravity is caused by the
rotation of the Earth. He doesn’t even know the science he’s trying to
debunk. Later he says the «monument» on the moon is 7 miles high in a
photograph taken from 87,000 ft. That’s 16 miles. A 7 mile object would
cover much more field of view in a photo taken from 16 miles away. I think
he might be mentally ill.
Alien Needs (e.g water,girls etc.
its true
sub 4 sub
This man is nothing but a con man … See Michael Horn on Alex collier
1:42:28 seems to tell me this guy knows what he is talking about
What year was this done?
I want to know what kind of drugs this guy is on… or if he uses shock
hebeda, hebeda, hebeda….. what’s up doc?
I am merely sharing a web site address:
Complete and utter Bull Shit.
Something about this guy is unsettling? lm not hating. Something about the
gestures, and his’ energy.’ Nice watch though.
Ok, so aliens watch american tv?