This is about the situation with the video «I Wouldn’t Assume Obama was Motivated by Morality»…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
АЛЬБИНОС, человек или животное, обладающие редким наследственным свойством отсутствия пигментации кожи, волос и глаз. Волосы имеют белый цвет, а кожа и глаза…
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Seriously bro — relax. Look at society, the people that work the hardest
get the least reward. Making videos whinging about $1 here and there makes
me question your actual motivation to even do this. Is it because you
really want to highlight Issues or inconsistencies or because you want to
make a buck, you know — like CNN where the content is purely for
entertainment purposes?
Good news. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Just keep shedding light on
their wicked ways.
или прошлое, с большим