UFO and mind reading/manipulation technology was created by nazi scientists
by the end of WW2 without any alien help. there are no extra dimensions,
the «UFOs» use high voltage magnetism, and are made out of the same
elements that are on the periodic table. the idea is that if you believe
its alien you wont ask the right questions, even better something that
isn’t even physical.
its not fake though taken out of context. i saw the whole thing while it
aired and rechecked it after this and while he is socially awkward it’s
nothing more than that. he still «acts» normal through out this piece but
had these weird moments every now and then. his testimony was comin up
after greers and this was the first day of the hearings and he was probably
he’s definitely creepy. even though my eyesight isn’t great, i could just
make out the slit pupils in his eyes. you have to look very closely, but
it’s there.
isn’t he the sexiest man on dis earth ..or wat?..huh!..this dude is a sexy
beast.!…..coz he’s got killer eyes man!!!..dang!
They are both Reptilians! Greer and Huneeus are illuminati operatives!
This is so phony! Get a life! The worst fake job ever!
UFO and mind reading/manipulation technology was created by nazi scientists
by the end of WW2 without any alien help. there are no extra dimensions,
the «UFOs» use high voltage magnetism, and are made out of the same
elements that are on the periodic table. the idea is that if you believe
its alien you wont ask the right questions, even better something that
isn’t even physical.
omg!! lol…. wtf?? Now thats some f’en scaryshit!! WHAT?!
Dude looks like he’s on acid
that guy appears to be Don Phillips, Contractor, USAF, CIA, Lockheed
i think, i need to watch this congress again.
fake… dont even bother watching.
that dude is trippin balls!!! LMFAO
Antonio was probably reacting to Greer’s comments. If you were paying
attention to all that Greer says, you’d look a little jumpy too.
Why the Stupid Fucking music?…As soon as I or my family and friends hear
crapy ass music, we shut the video down because it cant possibly be
its not fake though taken out of context. i saw the whole thing while it
aired and rechecked it after this and while he is socially awkward it’s
nothing more than that. he still «acts» normal through out this piece but
had these weird moments every now and then. his testimony was comin up
after greers and this was the first day of the hearings and he was probably
he’s definitely creepy. even though my eyesight isn’t great, i could just
make out the slit pupils in his eyes. you have to look very closely, but
it’s there.
watch?v=P7vktQAw8l0 0:17-0:42 watch original video cos this video is
He’s his alien bodyguard. Very simple!
Don’t you retards know? Anyone who has ever said they’ve seen or done
anything. Has not in fact done or seen anything. They’re all actors
could be just magic cornflakes? lol!
That’s a tall white working undercover reading peoples minds have course
they photoshop among us 🙂
Why do people put so much misinformation out? Do you enjoy being part of
the problem and not the solution?
dude he looks completely out of it, like he is trapped in his body under
mind control wtf.
Looked for both of your videos in Title Description and they no longer
exist…..»sorry about that»
He look like having some epileptic shock or..funny for first sight
but…what a heck is He doing actually??
he’s thinking, wich guy do i want to eat frist.