Только что наш телеканал получил эксклюзивные кадры нового ямальского феномена. Большой интерес вызывает необычное природное явление — кратер в 30 километрах…
То, что говорят «специалисты» в этом видео это инфа для глупых гномов.
1. Объем воронки значительно (в 15-20 раз ) превышает объем выброшенного
наружу грунта
Куда делся остальной грунт?
2. Внутренние стенки воронки слишком ровные и отвесные. Имеют странный,
повторяющиеся по окружности профиль.
3. Рассказчики байки «о природном взрыве» хотя бы приблизительно
представляют себе мощность взрыва который должен такую воронку сделать?
Речь идет о небольшом ядерном заряде как минимум. Газ такое сделать не мог.
Это однозначно никакой не взрыв. И явление это не природное а искусственное.
Но гномы нынче настолько не хотят думать, что эту версию с удовольствием
The Yamal area (the name is Siberian for «End of the World») is rich in
natural gas, and a pocket of this combined with water and salt could have
produced quite a large explosion…
russia fighting ukraine, russia shutdown a Malaysia plane, now this. I
smell a big conspiracy going on. Could it be russia testing nukes under the
00:01-00:04 Our channel got an exclussive footage of the new «Jamalsk»
00:04-00:08 Big curiosity due rare natural phenomena — a crater, 30 km from
the city. (Bovanenkovo)
00:09-00:12 Let me remind, a few day ago it’s was spotted (a crater) by a
crew of Nadim’s squadron.
00:13-00:15 and now it’s udner scientific investigation .
00:16-00:19 On behalf of the governor Kabilkin sent an expedition to the
island «Belij»
00:20-00:23 Our channel just got an exclusive footage. Look.
00:24-00:28 Here it is «Jamalsk» phenomene, a crater by unknown origin,
which become known to the whole country by an accident.
00:29-00:32 Let me remind, few days ago it was discovered by a crew of
Nadim’s squadron.
00:33-00:38 And all this time crater, which by journalists named as «Navel
of the World», attracted scientists attention.
00:39-00:41 Today they came very near to him ( a crater) .
00:42-00:48 wait, wait wait I (fast), Women: And most important that til it
be a spot of gps and not «strapped into space».
00:49-00:51 strapped into space — it’s the first step. Then they move an
electronics with sensors inside of the crater.
00:52-00:54 That’s gives the scale of crates. It amazes.
00:55-00:57 Inner diameter is 40 metters (131ft) , outward 60(196ft).
00:59-01:03 Best possible scenario could be : something shriveled inside
and then bursted.
01:04-01:05 likely.
01:06-01:08 Can be called «an explosion».
01:08-01:10 But in our understanding it’s can not be called «an explosion».
01:11-01:15 Scientist tells that he self was often in this area but never
heard of something like that.
01:16-01:19 Adding «crates exists, «karst craters»» but they very differs
from this one..
01:20-01:23 No one mystifies, all is indicated in the law of the nature.
01:24-01:27 Scientist: There is nothing mystical, «it’s just a nature
01:28-01:31 related to the internal pressure of the ground. Right.
01:31-01:34 aaaa, perhaps it is also associated with changes of temperature.
01:35-01:38 Here is he crater, inside of it.
01:43-01:51 Researcher of arctics Leipman, supports the scientist.. She
tells that today they made first and most important researches FOR
01:52-01:57 Also scientists have established the depth of thawing
permafrost. It’s just 73 cm! This leads to confusion. Especially
considerind crater size.
01:58-02:04 Leipman says her opinion has changed dramatically. -what seen
by eyes differs from what is on the pictures!
02:05-02:12 Mrs. Leipman (arctic researcher): Obviously. This is some
emission from the earth. From the depths of the earth. Some emission of
02:13-02:17 and this material has spread around big area.
02:18-02:29 I dont think that spread was accompanied with ANY EXPLOSIONS
(translators coment: !!!!) because an explosion suggests som high
temperature involved , but we find no tracs of that, and no anything burnt.
02:30-02:34 Purely mechanical splash (trans, com. yes she extactly said
02:35-02:39 There is much work for the scientists in the future ( trans.
coment . i hop soo..) first results is preliminary.
02:40-02:50 I want to remind that todays expedition could be possible
through order by governor Mr. Kabilkin and he’s crew members. Report made
by our channel.
(trans. com. this is funnies thing I translated ever)
*Hola qué tal, pues nada, que ha aparecido un gigantesco agujero en Siberia
y eso*
¿Vinieron los extraterrestres a tomar muestras? ¿Se derrite el manto
terrestre? WTF? Los rusos no tienen muy claro qué pasó, probablemente un
combo gas natural + aguas subterráneas. # https://wtf.microsiervos.com/mundoreal/gigantesco-agujero-siberia.html
Someone needs to fly a camera drone in there!
То, что говорят «специалисты» в этом видео это инфа для глупых гномов.
1. Объем воронки значительно (в 15-20 раз ) превышает объем выброшенного
наружу грунта
Куда делся остальной грунт?
2. Внутренние стенки воронки слишком ровные и отвесные. Имеют странный,
повторяющиеся по окружности профиль.
3. Рассказчики байки «о природном взрыве» хотя бы приблизительно
представляют себе мощность взрыва который должен такую воронку сделать?
Речь идет о небольшом ядерном заряде как минимум. Газ такое сделать не мог.
Это однозначно никакой не взрыв. И явление это не природное а искусственное.
Но гномы нынче настолько не хотят думать, что эту версию с удовольствием
а кто то пиздел что фейк!
лизнуть губернатору в конце репортажа — святое дело
Basically a fierce Darude-Sandstorm hit this area hard.
Darude — Sandstorm, hit the area by the looks of things!.
почему точка жпс, а не глонас? :)
I would be extremely grateful if someone took the time to put english
subtitles to this video. Youtube’s captions translation is still crap.
Обратите внимание на структуру стен образовавшихся. Они гладкие. При взрыве
или тп, такая структура не возможна!…
Почему вы выкладываете в разрешении 480p ?
The Yamal area (the name is Siberian for «End of the World») is rich in
natural gas, and a pocket of this combined with water and salt could have
produced quite a large explosion…
russia fighting ukraine, russia shutdown a Malaysia plane, now this. I
smell a big conspiracy going on. Could it be russia testing nukes under the
00:01-00:04 Our channel got an exclussive footage of the new «Jamalsk»
00:04-00:08 Big curiosity due rare natural phenomena — a crater, 30 km from
the city. (Bovanenkovo)
00:09-00:12 Let me remind, a few day ago it’s was spotted (a crater) by a
crew of Nadim’s squadron.
00:13-00:15 and now it’s udner scientific investigation .
00:16-00:19 On behalf of the governor Kabilkin sent an expedition to the
island «Belij»
00:20-00:23 Our channel just got an exclusive footage. Look.
00:24-00:28 Here it is «Jamalsk» phenomene, a crater by unknown origin,
which become known to the whole country by an accident.
00:29-00:32 Let me remind, few days ago it was discovered by a crew of
Nadim’s squadron.
00:33-00:38 And all this time crater, which by journalists named as «Navel
of the World», attracted scientists attention.
00:39-00:41 Today they came very near to him ( a crater) .
00:42-00:48 wait, wait wait I (fast), Women: And most important that til it
be a spot of gps and not «strapped into space».
00:49-00:51 strapped into space — it’s the first step. Then they move an
electronics with sensors inside of the crater.
00:52-00:54 That’s gives the scale of crates. It amazes.
00:55-00:57 Inner diameter is 40 metters (131ft) , outward 60(196ft).
00:59-01:03 Best possible scenario could be : something shriveled inside
and then bursted.
01:04-01:05 likely.
01:06-01:08 Can be called «an explosion».
01:08-01:10 But in our understanding it’s can not be called «an explosion».
01:11-01:15 Scientist tells that he self was often in this area but never
heard of something like that.
01:16-01:19 Adding «crates exists, «karst craters»» but they very differs
from this one..
01:20-01:23 No one mystifies, all is indicated in the law of the nature.
01:24-01:27 Scientist: There is nothing mystical, «it’s just a nature
01:28-01:31 related to the internal pressure of the ground. Right.
01:31-01:34 aaaa, perhaps it is also associated with changes of temperature.
01:35-01:38 Here is he crater, inside of it.
01:43-01:51 Researcher of arctics Leipman, supports the scientist.. She
tells that today they made first and most important researches FOR
01:52-01:57 Also scientists have established the depth of thawing
permafrost. It’s just 73 cm! This leads to confusion. Especially
considerind crater size.
01:58-02:04 Leipman says her opinion has changed dramatically. -what seen
by eyes differs from what is on the pictures!
02:05-02:12 Mrs. Leipman (arctic researcher): Obviously. This is some
emission from the earth. From the depths of the earth. Some emission of
02:13-02:17 and this material has spread around big area.
02:18-02:29 I dont think that spread was accompanied with ANY EXPLOSIONS
(translators coment: !!!!) because an explosion suggests som high
temperature involved , but we find no tracs of that, and no anything burnt.
02:30-02:34 Purely mechanical splash (trans, com. yes she extactly said
02:35-02:39 There is much work for the scientists in the future ( trans.
coment . i hop soo..) first results is preliminary.
02:40-02:50 I want to remind that todays expedition could be possible
through order by governor Mr. Kabilkin and he’s crew members. Report made
by our channel.
(trans. com. this is funnies thing I translated ever)
Титан вылетел из Яма ла, как говорят последние великаны ушли в Тартар,
скоро их много вылезут в бронях и начнут чандалв мочить))
*Hola qué tal, pues nada, que ha aparecido un gigantesco agujero en Siberia
y eso*
¿Vinieron los extraterrestres a tomar muestras? ¿Se derrite el manto
terrestre? WTF? Los rusos no tienen muy claro qué pasó, probablemente un
combo gas natural + aguas subterráneas. #
получается, что то вылетело из-под земли?
Mógłby ktoś przetłumaczyć?
полюбасу НЛО )
anyway it is the UFO
От куда такая гладкая поверхность?
Чё-то из под земли взлетело, больно уж края ровные.
Just fill the hole with all politicians and close it! Problem fixed.
Most probably this is a ‘methane volcano’, similar to the Patomskiy crater.
«Патомский кратер — это вулкан, образованный выбросами метана.»
Интересно что оттуда вылезло и ушло незамеченным.
A cratera tem fundo e até água no fundo.
Isn’t that what the dragons crawl out of in Skyrim?